
Shifts Toward Meaning

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This article is born after watching the Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer. We all are very amazing creatures. Look at all the achievements of mankind. We began very simply and have advanced in both thoughts and science. The information we can transmit to each other is on such a level that it is almost indescribable. We transmit information through feelings, looks, words and more. What we transmit to each other is where we can begin to prepare the world for what we are trying to achieve.

By planning what it is you want to achieve and letting go at the same time we are in a constant shift of change. This is all very natural. Knowing where you want to go is only the beginning. Once the decision has been made to reach for something that doesn't exist yet creation has begun. That creation will lead to one change after another, or bring to you one challenge after another, until the lesson is learned. We can decide to repeat the same cycles or we can move beyond and above. The best part is that you get to choose.

A shift toward meaning is exactly what it sounds like. Shifting the mindset to service to one another, helping one another and building each other up is where it all begins. To every person a different meaning will occur and that is the perfect meaning. Some of us care for animals. Others care for humans. Yet there are others that care for the Earth. Some others go toward spiritual boundaries and learning. Know that when you feel those moments of happiness and bliss you can know that you are on the good and right path.

Today is the day that you can begin moving in that direction. One way that I am doing this in my personal life is volunteering this Wednesday. I reached out to someone through various connections that has a very similar belief about helping fellow humans. Any person can make a difference. The music in the ideas that has come to your mind only you can bring to reality. We all need your music to make this world a better place.

Look at where you are in the current moment. Is this everything you have wanted in life? That is great if so and that is great if not. The next step will point you in another direction. Trust yourself that you are choosing the correct path that is just for you. If you are guided to write something, write. If you are guided to music, please share that music. Any path that you choose will begin your path. Then let it go and just flow with what is brought your way.

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