
Message From the Universe: Show No Fear

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"The very same magic that you used to get your first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, that even now finishes your sentences, beats your heart, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same "grade" of stuff that can make what you most want today come to pass.

Point being: You've already engaged it. You've already commanded it. You've already done the impossible... So what's the big deal about doing it again?

Oh go on... 
The Universe"

Let's take the example of Donald Trump to define what this quote tries to convey. The Trump man declared bankruptcy over 7 times in his very successful career but yet, got out of it as quickly as he filed. Of course, many might say that he had banks that backed him out many times over to avoid losses when investing on this guy. However, despite the many challenges, Trump knew how to get his wealth back because of following the same approach he used to and reaching his goals. Bad decisions happen to everyone but when believing in yourself comes into the equation, no matter what happens, you can still manage to get out of these difficult times and come out a winner. Nothing is impossible. The Universe listens by looking at your efforts and meets you halfway by making things happen for you. Never abandon your dreams thinking that no one is there to help because you wouldn't want to live your life with regrets. Focus on your goals and let the Universe work with you.

You will have many jealous people out there wanting to put stick on your wheels, believe me, I know, and I see it on a daily basis. These individuals have really nothing else to do with their time to bring havoc into your life just because they can. Do not let this deter you from your goals. Continue working hard on your venture and when facing with challenges caused by the jealous people, just work on creating a network of professionals who can help you deter the malicious work of the ones who want to inflict harm. I am sure it will put a damper on your spirit but you will need to do whatever you can to just push forward. You can't waste your energy on these people and when you ignore them and work on finding creative ways to grow your business, they will eventually feel like their vindictive ways aren't doing anything to hurt you. Remember that terrorism works ONLY when you show fear, and by living your life like nothing is happening shows their attempt in hurting you are in vain. Pursue your dreams and thanks to these jealous people who really have nothing else to do with their pathetic life, you will become more creative with your business acumen and grow bigger in success. Embrace these challenges and become a better person.

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