
How To Be Motivated Despite Having No Money

Oftentimes, people's goals in life are associated with money and status symbol. Although, there is nothing wrong with wanting them both but it might lead us astray if those are the sole reasons why we want to be successful in life.

When I'm struggling for motivation, feeling lethargic and generally struggling to achieve anything of significance I reflect back on a diary I've kept off the goals and dreams I hope to achieve.

Do something you enjoy, and then experiment with learning to do it better. Eventually, you realize you solved your problem. When you're not doing anything, you become stagnant. Stop thinking, start doing. Even something stereotypically non-productive, like hiking and biking, can motivate you. It might lead to falling off but enjoy it.

Eventually, you are motivated enough that you want to reach for your dreams. Maybe you get frustrated because you don't have marketable skills, so you start teaching, or suddenly, you're motivated to go back to school to learn to account. Whatever. The point is to do something. Anything will do because working hard makes you strong.

Discover your own unique way of giving to other people.Your potential for material success is limited. After you earn your millions or billions, get mentioned to Time's most influential list, and grace the covers of magazines, your drive to earn more money, earn more power, and accumulate more fame may start to fade. Money-motivation is limited. Purpose-motivation, on the other hand, is infinite. It never runs out.

People thank you for your work.If people have been thanking you for changing their lives in some way, it proves that your work has been substantially good and that you're successful in your area of work. You lose track of time while working. Although they get hefty paychecks at the end of every month, they never seem to be happy with their work. This is a true success.

You know what you're doing. Most people do, and there's nothing to be shameful about this. You're probably aimless at work. You work with people who you like. It takes a long time for coming to this simple conclusion. You take risks. You believe in making a difference. Success is realization of this true inner worth.

The second reason is legacy. Find success by giving. You pissed someone off because you believed in something. Because you have a (well-informed) opinion that others may disagree with. Successful people don't seek to maintain the status quo. You do things that excite you. The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is boredom.

Successful people collect memories, not dollar bills by living your own standards. Not the standards of society. Not the standards of your friends or family members. If your dream is to be a writer then write. Define what success means to you and do whatever it takes to make it happen because life is how you make it.

Success happens when you stop living your life to please everyone around you. Success happens when you quit thinking preconceived notions you were taught growing up. Quit being "realistic." and start living.

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