
Transition Times - 3 Timely Tips for Mindful Gifts

Transitions are challenging because they can be disruptive and disorienting. But the mindful navigation of transitions offers opportunities to spin those challenges into profound gifts.

That's why it's so important to open to the fullest possible awareness of your feelings and your needs as you move through life transitions.

And when I speak about life transitions, I don't mean just the really big ones. ANY transition is going to challenge your equilibrium. And yet, when we are mindful and present to our changes, they offer opportunities for growth and insight that enrich us mightily!

Mindful Transitions - 3 Timely Tips 

The following tips are proven guidelines that you can adapt for yourself, depending on the particular life transition you are facing.

1. Don't assume you fully understand a life transition, even if you have read or heard about it before.

If you are experiencing a common life transition such as the birth of a child or moving to a new community, it's vital to know that you will experience the transition in your own unique way. Be mindful of your needs. Consider how you personally respond to stress and to challenge, and factor this into your plans when faced with change.

2. Define your life transition from your perspective.

Here's where you dig a little deeper. Take 10 or 15 minutes each day to describe your personal response to the change you're in the midst of. Start with writing down key words and phrases that describe what you are experiencing physically and emotionally. As you proceed through the life transition, reflect on what you have described. Modify it as your understanding grows and deepens.

3. Remember that your life experience also affects the people closest to you.

Even though your experience of a life transition is unique to you, your response inevitably touches others. Be sure to be mindful of what your family, your friends, and your co-workers may be experiencing as you realign priorities and meet new demands. Be aware of the impact of those changes on other people. Where appropriate, have a discussion with them. Involve those closest to you in the decisions you make that also affect them.

BONUS TIP: Bring understanding and acceptance to yourself as your behavior shifts in unexpected ways.

Remember that you usually enter into a life transition without any direct experience to guide your decisions. Be mindful and patient as you navigate this newness.

Through learning about yourself and others during this transition time, you will grow in a way that builds a solid base for future changes.

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