
Finding Your Strengths: Building Fulfilment (By Barbara Altman)

Your Strengths

Your strengths define your success. So many think of strengths as something they are good at. While I believe that to be true, strengths also bring high energy and vitality to your life.

There is a deeper meaning to your strengths. Listen to those activities that create energy. Engage in pursuits which build confidence, fulfillment, and purpose.

Your strengths are built on energy building activities. Your weaknesses will produce a lack of vigor.

The latest buzz for success calls for building on your strengths and networking with others whose talents match your weaknesses.

Let's look at money management, for example. I wouldn't know a number if it smacked me in the face. Of course, I would know a number! The fact is, numbers bore me to tears. I only deal with them long enough to balance my checkbook and to write in the amount after I've filled up at the gas station. I leave the more complicated stuff to Gary Fischer at Stifel Nicolaus. Some check the stock market daily for exact details. I'm just happy if it's on the plus side. Gary Fischer, I need you. You fill in the gaps for me when it comes to investments.

Weaknesses reflect those endeavors that suck the life out of you. I have to cook because I want to live. But cooking is not on my list of strengths.

Is it one of your strengths? Do you enjoy using cook books and pleasing your family with kitchen capers?

Cleaning my house is another energy draining sucker. So I leave that up to my cleaning lady. I would die an early death if I had to clean.

So what are your strengths? Do you enjoy reading? Joining a book club may be in your best interest.

Do you enjoy public speaking? Toastmaster's is just for you. There are several clubs in every city and in every country.

Do you enjoy finance? Doing a daily check of the stock market may be on your list of energy producers.

Listen to your gut. Let it tell you what your strengths are. Proceed to build your life around them. Delegate your weaknesses to others. At the very least, lessen the impact that your weaknesses have on you. Energy sapping pursuits are a part of everyday life. Don't let them dominate your existence. Let your strengths rule your life. Let your strengths propel you onward and upward.

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