
Tips for Not Worrying About What Others Are Thinking About You

Do you worry a lot about what other people around you are thinking about you? Fear not; here are a few tips to overcome your discomfort. Read on.

· Focus on the long distance and carry your sight as much as your eyes would carry. See the lights, people, cars, shops and trees. It is a way to distract yourself from the mass of people you would worry what they are thinking about you. From time to time, bring your focus on this long distance when you are outside of your home and you won't be worrying at all about others - be it the outside people or someone inside your mind.

· Close your eyes and think of a past memory you would like to recall again and again. Bring this memory in front of you time and again when you want to stop worrying about anybody what they have in mind about you.

· Think of a child either in the past or present. It may be your own child who is little at present or was in your past. Think of the funny activities s/he did that make you smile now. Think how it felt to hold him/her, to see his/her first walk or to enjoy telling them bedtime stories. These little things will help you escape the heavy worry what people in your life are thinking about you.

· Be engrossed reading in a fantastic and interesting novel. That way your attention will hardly divert to the people in your life who you would otherwise worry what they are thinking about you.

· Go on a long drive with your family and enjoy quality time with them. You will be laughing, sharing jokes and enjoying the summer breeze and soft music. There is nothing to worry about what other less significant people in your life are thinking about you.

· Spend quality time being occupied by a hobby such as stamp collecting or coin collecting and lose yourself in it. Don't divert your attention from it for a good many minutes. You allow yourself to lose in it without concentrating your thoughts on the people in your life who you may be worried what they are thinking about you.

· Go to a nearby park and ride on a swing. Let your hair down and let it fly in the gentle breeze. Give yourself a few pushes on the swing and enjoy the ride. Lose yourself completely in the beauty and thrill of the moments. You don't allow yourself to focus on the people in your life who you may be worried what they may be thinking about you.

· How about visiting an art exhibition and letting yourself immerse in some art exhibits for a while? You will certainly like the mysteries as well as the revelations of these if you speculate for a while. As you watch on these, will you remember to care what people in your world are thinking about you? Certainly not.

Summing up, those are some of my great tips in overcoming worry about what other people are thinking about you. Always remember you are not a people pleaser and don't need to bother about others' thoughts about you. Stay calm and carry on with your life. That way you achieve great things - unimaginable yet very much worthy.

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