
Doing Before Learning? From Broke to Six Figures

Imagine you were a college student who never stopped attending school full time. How much would you earn?

Likely nothing. You're too busy learning to earn. No one pays you to go to school anyway.

When does a college student start making money? When they leave school (graduating or not, doesn't matter) and start working.

So why do we think our online marketing businesses are any different? When you put education in front of 'doing,' you're a perpetual wannabe marketer. You want to learn how to do affiliate marketing, or SEO, or increasing conversions, and all the stuff you think a decent internet marketer has to know first. You then find yourself too busy learning to actually make something happen with your business.

But when you put the doing first, you're building a business. It's a simple shift in mindset that can take you from broke to six figures. But I'm not saying you should stop learning - not at all. Learning is important, especially if you're building a business. The best business owners are lifelong learners.

What I am saying is this: You should devote your best hours to working on your business, and devote your 'spare time' to learning. Not the other way around. Remember that you're a business owner first, and a student second.

Of course, sometimes you'll need a crash course in something. Like when you try to build your first squeeze page, or improving SEO for your site, or best practices for marketing to different social media platforms.

This is when you go to Google and/or YouTube, find an article or video that walks you through what you need to know, and do it as you follow along with the video. Yes, you're learning. But you're doing it in context with working on your business. You're learning as you go along, and you're learning about things that you actually need in your business at the moment. So there isn't any 'wasted knowledge'; in other words, everything that you'll learn, you can apply.

In contrast, remember your time in school: they taught you so many things, but there are some things you don't actually need later on. That's the 'wasted knowledge' I'm talking about.

Bottom Line: There is a point when you have to put all the courses and programs aside and get busy doing something. And while you're actively engaged in that, don't learn anything unless it directly relates to what you're doing.

Think of doing as your full time activity, and learning as something you do during off hours.

You'll make a lot more money that way.

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