
Three Ways to Mindful Success

"All in good time," we've heard it been said. All in good time will the goal be reached. But it's difficult to be patient when we have bills to pay, a rickety marriage, or a crummy job. We want change right now.

"It's the journey, not the end," we're reminded. Success isn't a destination, but the road we're on. But what if the road is full of ruts, rocks, and too many intersections? What if the journey feels like a big pot of boiling melodrama and anxiety?

We can simmer that pot with mindfulness.

The most important step to mindfulness, however, is putting aside our own mind and immersing our consciousness in divine Mind.

Too often, we let our human minds organize, categorize, and mull over who has done what, or not. But, this action of the human mind isn't "action" so much as "reaction" to past events. Not very mindful.

We have a spiritual consciousness in tune with a mindfulness of the now, which is directly linked to a promising future.

Here are three ways to feel your consciousness in tune with mindfulness:

  • Don't be patient with problems, but be patient with solutions.
  • Get over yourself. Be in and of the universal Mind that wants the best for everyone.
  • Look for and admit each tiny success in your journey.

Spiritual successes are true victories. They are those times when we forgive our enemy, the times when we let go of a bad habit, those times when we stop loving chocolate more than God's goodness, those times when we let the driver cut in front of us without getting angry, those times when we don't blame someone else for our problems.

Every second we exercise a spiritual success we are getting stronger. The good times increase and the journey becomes interesting, creative, and welcoming. You can discover your ability to be calm and thankful. Your gratitude will then grow and become a success within itself.

We aren't here to master the world as much as we are to master those thoughts that place limitations on our health, happiness, and peace. Because so many people in the past and present are able to overcome their limitations, that means we can too.

The divine force is universal, available to everyone.

When on our spiritual journey, you can be patient with progress. You can be a deep and inclusive thinker. You can find each success in your journey.

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