
Shortcut to Success

Imagine your ideal world. The world without pain, mistakes and fails. You would be number one, the most successful person in this world. Other people would admire you and your success, but it would be not difficult to you to achieve any aim. Because you are a creator, you set the rules. It would be great, would not it?

But it is just an imagination. We live in the same world, nobody from us is a creator, so that we cannot set the rules to get our goals painlessly. It is impossible. Other words, there is no shortcut to success. Do not even try to find it, do not waste your time. Of course, you can inherit big money. But be sure, you will lose all of it soon, if you know nothing about its worth. You cannot manage it and you do not know how much this money is worth.

For example, Steve Jobs. You know him as a successful person, legend of the world computer and programming industry. But some time before, he was a usual student (maybe not so usual if you know his story), who liked computers. He started his business in the garage. He was making motherboards with his own hands. He was working so hard. Step by step, he was developing his business. He created his own company. It is great result. And do not think that his work was over after this. He was working hard, too. Maybe he was not making motherboards with his hands, but he was doing other hard work. And every successful person is ready to roll up his sleeves, throughout his dignity and work. Jobs approved it when he was retired. He did not give up and build his new company "NeXT".

I can talk a lot about Steve Jobs (I am his fan), but I think you understood the main point - if you want to achieve great goals, there is no shortcut, you must work hard and inexhaustibly.

But there is some advice that can get this way a little bit easier. Find a person, who can advise you, who can direct you on the right way. A person, who has achieved big results and knows how to do it. Find a teacher. He will not release you from pain ahead and not make your way shorter. He just can bring some knowledge and understanding in your life. It is good if there is some person, who can teach you. He will be like a father. It is good if you have a father, isn't it?

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