
To Thrive You Need to Wake Up to These 5 Hard Truths

Entrepreneurship isn’t an easy journey, and we’re in uncertain times for sure. With overwhelming complexity, insurmountable change and big competition, it’s became more important than ever to be strategic and intentional.
I want to share a couple insights that I feel can make a difference in the results you achieve in your life and business, but more importantly help you thrive regardless of the economy. Some might make you mad at first, that’s fine. Sometimes the things you don’t want to hear are the things you need to hear the most. Most blogs you’ll read will try to make you feel good, and tell you exactly what you want to hear. That creates no real change, just a good feeling in the moment. They don’t spark your mind or make you think, they don’t challenge you, and they don’t go against traditional thinking.
This one will. 

1. Do the opposite.

Strange tip for those not familiar, but a real GAME CHANGER. This is a killer strategy for those serious about improving their life. The more people do something, the less valuable it is. 
  • Most people over eat and eat based off pleasure vs. health.
  • Most people sleep in and have no morning routine.
  • Most people make excuses instead of progress.
  • Most people focus on the negative vs. the positive.
  • Most people spend more money than they make.
  • Most people talk about success vs. take action.
  • Most people go to college, get in debt and get an unrelated job after college.
  • Most people pray for weekends, and hate Mondays.
Don't be like most people! No one wants to be typical. We all want to be special and different, yet most of us do the same things. The majority of us live like one another and then wonder why we continually don’t achieve any real results or success in our lives. We follow each others' lead and rarely break the mold. Life becomes so much more convenient when you really take this seriously.
All the greats in our society live life to their own choosing, not other peoples. One way to be outstanding and valuable is to do what others aren't doing, or what most can't. 

2. The 90-day focus.

What is your #1 goal that you want to accomplish in the next 90 days? What's the #1 skill that you need master that will have the biggest impact on your #1 goal?
There are specific skills you have to master to reach that goal at a fast rate. Skills are weapons in your industry, so figure out the top skill you need right now and master it. Sadly, most people operate on information overload instead of mastery and have too much noise. Or, even worse, they learn just enough to get by and stop learning. Apple said it bluntly....
"We shouldn't be criticized for using Chinese workers, the U.S. has stopped producing people with the skills we need.” 

3. Destroy your momentum killers.

Write down your top three potential distractions and momentum killers that have held you back in the past. Now create a prevention plan for each. If you don’t have a plan to interrupt your interruptions, your plans will always be interrupted.
Distractions kill productivity, creative expression and income. Either you control your days or your days control you. Learn to concentrate and focus on the most important tasks with no interference or distraction. Prioritize your activities based on importance and then get to work with no distractions! Remember, activities without purpose are the drain to all life, wealth and peace of mind.

4. Analysis vs. emotions.

Base your decisions and actions off intelligence, not emotion. Ask yourself before every choice you make “is this the most intelligent action to take right now, and does this action or decision get me closer or farther away from my 90-day goal?”
When you pass the stage of making decisions based on what others think or current emotion, you will start seeing real success. The best can silence their ego, push away anxieties, and analyze the situation. Don’t judge, don’t overreact, just analyze.

5. Stop the ideas, start the execution. 

“Innovation is  rewarded, execution is worshipped.”          --  Eric Thomas
Hard work trumps IQ seven days of the week. Great accomplishments don't happen overnight or even in a few months. They will take years of consistent action linked by failure, sacrifice and discipline. If you want real changes in your life, expect that your actions need to be substantial. If you truly have the desire to create something you’re proud of, your addiction to ideas and other mindless distractions must be retired and replaced with meaningful action.
I know people who would rather poke their own eye balls out than take action, and I always find them struggling with another challenge followed by another validation or excuse. Execution is the foundational key to success. Once that happens, doors will consistently start opening for you.
Get serious about who you are and where you want to go. Realize the only way to get there is to differentiate yourself, invest in real education and start doing more than your talking.

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