
Success = Perspective

Being successful are words that I have toiled and struggled with for many years. The term 'being successful' is often misunderstood and can create anxiety and grief for many people because it is often linked with large amounts of money, fast cars, expensive holidays and cruise boats. It seems to me and is often preached by many motivational speakers working the circuit that success is only measured by the number of tangible items accumulated.

But should this be how one measures their own success?

I would argue that 'being successful' is more than just tangible items; being successful is an ever- changing process that occurs when a person makes a conscious and committed effort to improve or build on his/her own personal situation. Being successful should not just be measured on a person's accumulated wealth or the tangible items stored in the garage. Being successful begins when a person makes a conscious decision to direct energy and effort into a goal and then perseveres until that goal has been achieved. Success arises when a goal has been met which then allows for other goals to be set which can then be achieved. In simple terms: The process of being successful is ever changing as goals are achieved and new goals are set.

When I moved to Sydney 12 years ago I was committed to finding a job and saving enough money to rent my first house. I arrived in Sydney with only a backpack and lived in a Hostel for 6 months until I could save enough money to rent my first place. At that stage in my life, my primary focus and number one goal that drove my personal success was to move out of the Hostel into rental accommodation and find myself a job. It was not about accumulated wealth or the number of tangible items I owned or possessed. I pushed myself by applying for many jobs interviews and at the same time completing courses to build my knowledge and better myself. After 2 months I was able to secure a job which allowed me to save enough money to rent a unit. My initial focus was on finding a job and moving out of the Hostel. I was successful in achieving this so I was then able to set new goals which I could work towards which would allow me to once again achieve success. This constant process of setting small achievable goals and then succeeding in reaching those goals has allowed me to buy many houses, open and sell businesses and work in a job that I really love.

Being successful is relative to one's personal circumstances. Everybody has a different starting point and should measure their own success on their own personal circumstances. Being successful is more than tangible items or money in the bank. So the next time you feel down because you feel that you are not successful, take some time and think about your own personal achievements as these are true measures of being successful.

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