
How to Do What You Love and Get Paid For It – In 4 Simple Steps

I have a friend who makes most amazing clay mugs in her spare time. She’s a legal advisor, but her dream is to make a living from designing clay mugs.
Her mugs are so beautiful that undoubtedly I would be her cheering customer. Yet, she doesn’t see mug making as a profitable occupation – a “realistic” profession in a legal field sounds safer.
The same goes with many people. It’s saddening to see human beings laboring in occupations they have no heart investment in, and it’s even sadder that they believe they can’t make their hobbies into profitable occupations.
It’s not necessary to spend entire lives slaving in occupations we don’t enjoy – we can easily do what we love, and get paid for it.
Here are the 4 steps that will help you do just that.
1. Transcend the common opinion
It’s harmful to subscribe to society’s standards of how people should be like and what’s considered “success”. As a result of this conditioning there are many broken lives. The societal pressure convinces us through fear-based “evidence” to choose profitable occupations at the expense of soul finding and inner fulfilment.
Transcend the common opinion. Free yourself from damaging media suggestions, fear-based parents’ advice and prejudiced friends’ opinions. You are a limitless being free to realize yourself at this moment. You don’t need to seek permission to do your heart’s work from anyone but yourself.
I don’t have qualifications to teach people or to inspire people, but I’m doing it. Nobody gave me permission to become a blogger or even believed I could become one – but I’m blogging for 6 years now, absolutely loving it and prospering from it.
Transcend the common opinion. Do what feels right, what you love. 
2. Believe you can
If you don’t believe in yourself, others will surely not believe in your ability to achieve goals. You’ll give off the vibe of failure, and repel people who would be your perfect customers/partners and other supporters. Money materializes in your life through people paying for your goods and services, so it’s vitally important to leave the first impression that says “success”.
Believe in yourself – you start believing in yourself when you accept yourself fully. Lovingly accept your imperfections knowing that were’ all imperfect. That, of course, shouldn’t discourage you from improving yourself – it’s actually easier to improve yourself when you fully accept your current limitations.
3. Trust the creative process
That’s probably a harder step for most – it surely was for me. It took me a long time to fully trust the creative process, sometimes even now fear tries to grip me with questions such as:
“What if nobody will come to my workshops?”
“What if something goes horribly wrong and I lose all blog’s data and it would not be recovered?”
“What if nobody orders my ebooks or coaching?”
Once I get such thoughts, I externalize them as not mine but coming from societal beliefs. It’s a widespread belief that small businesses can hardly survive these days and that entrepreneurial work is too risky. I thank the fear for sharing humanity’s beliefs and then focus on this affirmation:
“I fully trust the creative process. I know that by trusting this process I’ll always be in the right place at the right time, getting exactly what I need for my personal growth.”
It works every time.
I hope you will come up with an equally empowering affirmation to counteract discouraging moments testing your belief in your Self and your goals. You can use this one if you find it inspiring, of course!
4. Create massive value and charge less for it
When you find the work that you love, believe that you will succeed and fully trust the creative process, it’s time to create massive value and charge less for it.
That’s how people continuously prosper – through giving more than people pay for. The best model is to create so much value for free that people cannot help but pay you in any way they can to say thank you, and to make it easier for them to say thank you by creating products or services to pay for. Blogging provides an ideal prospering model, therefore.
This kind of giving will generate so much talk about you that you’ll prosper through all the referrals alone.
And even if your work isn’t available for free but you charge less for what your wonderful products and services are worth, you will still prosper. It’s not my idea of how to become abundant – great business leaders have exactly the same opinion; Henry Ford comes to mind as someone who always emphasized this law of abundance.
By applying these four straightforward steps…
1. Transcend the common opinion
2. Believe that you can
3. Trust the creative process
4. Create massive value and charge less for it
…you will stop slaving for money without heart and will start creating because you love to do so, whilst getting abundantly rewarded for your heart’s labour.
Doing your heart’s work should be everyone’s top priority, and the more people would do it, the more compassion, happiness and meaning there would be in the world.

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