
How to Correctly Visualize Your Goal for it to Surely Materialize

Although in the past it took more time and effort for me to bring a goal into manifestation, now it’s becoming much easier.
A beautiful vision quickly presents itself on my mental screen, and I know that soon enough it will become my reality if I choose to infuse it with emotions and take action from these feelings.
Like it happened with my trip to London. A vision was born of me running the workshop in London, when I was in India. It felt good so I dwelt on it, and infused it with emotion.
Now I’m in London, and I’m waiting for my second event to take place. It happened fast, without any obstacles. That shows that I’m fully aligned with my Inner Self, and this alignment gives me much joy and confidence.
There’s one difference in the way I visualized in the past and the way I do now. This difference is great, because it allows me to manifest my goals without any obstacles coming forth. And that difference is visualizing goals that come from my Authentic Self, rather than my Ego.
In the past it was all about me. What I wanted to achieve, what would bring Me happiness. Now it’s about Others. How can I help others, and how can I bring happiness to others. My personal happiness matters too, but that’s because if I’m happy and in good surroundings, I can provide more happiness and inspiration to others.
What’s also different about my current visualization and manifestation is that I have much more experience doing it than five years ago, so I can manifest much more easily and trust the process, since I know it.

How to manifest your goals

Big visions have big pulling power – if you believe in them.
First time I heard about visualization was from a self-help teacher called Bob Proctor. He advised to pick a big dream, the American way. I followed all his steps – I picked a very big goal – living in a mansion. I saw it, and the energy came to take action to gradually achieve it.
However, the dream was so big that I lost confidence and downsized it – a luxury apartment in Manhattan, New York, will do.
I visualized the apartment thoroughly, my neighbors, the street, my social life. I infused my vision with emotion.
A hat business was born in my mind after some months of visualizing. I started a handmade hat e-shop for UK customers and within a week I got my first sale and a first positive review.
My business was picking up, and I started thinking of how to grow it, always seeing a vision of my life in Manhattan at the back of my mind. I contacted several companies who would be interested in collaborating with me, and got a first interview arranged.
The man I met at the interview was the London head of a worldwide luxury brand. He liked my personality and invited me to mingle in his social circles.
I started attending really high class restaurants and clubs. There, I saw the emptiness of the high life – women obsessed with being seen as young and altering their faces with plastic surgeries (like all their worth was in being seen as young), heartless men interested only in financial gains, self-harm with intoxicants. There was no spirit, no life in those people. Only very inflated egos.
There I met a head of that worldwide corporation (with headquarters in New York) and saw how a way is opening up for me to materialize my vision – a life in Manhattan. The offer was there, for me to take it. I didn’t.
That’s an example of an ego created desire, which, if achieved, would only lead to the feeling of emptiness. Thanks God I was already spiritually awakening, and my spiritual warning system kicked in. I saw the emptiness and vanity of that way of life, and didn’t make it into my reality.
Ego visions can indeed manifest, but they won’t make you happy.
Now let me tell you how I achieve goals through an Authentic Self.
When I’m in touch with who I really am, I feel joyful and at peace. I naturally want to provide as much value to people as I can.
For this to happen, I need to be happy, and surroundings should provide me with joy, as this would keep my vibration high.
I start visualizing naturally, effortlessly, feeling already completely aligned with whatever is in my vision.
There’s lightness and playfulness in the vision, since I’m not attached to it. In the past my visions felt heavy, because all my being was invested in making them come true. That really slows down the manifestation. Now my Self simply plays with reality, knowing that it’s a dream-state. So I allow this vision to materialize without any obstacles.
The way I visualize is that I see the vision as taking place now. I see myself living in a particular place, like in a beautiful house. I see that house in as much detail as I can, and I see how I’m preparing breakfast there, how I’m sitting in the kitchen reading a book and other simple things I do there.
The vision looks very real, like it’s actually happening. This gives me an opportunity to discover the feelings that would naturally arise in such an environment, so I’m changing my vibration for it to get aligned with that particular experience. When I can keep my vision’s vibration continuously, that new experience becomes my reality.
In the past, I didn’t talk about my visualizations to anyone, as people are quick to tell something discouraging and kill off the energy of the goal. I advise you not to talk about it either, if you’re not yet confident enough in manifesting.
New vision is like a vulnerable sprout, and it needs to be protected from winds and insects. Keep watering it with your love, attention and positive emotions, and it will grow into a strong tree.
When this sprout of visualization starts growing, it will get life of its own after some time (if you daily pay attention to it), and will start expanding on its own. It will then pour its own energy into you, in the form of inspiration, and so if you take action infused with this beautiful energy of your goal, you will quickly materialize it.

Correct visualization and manifestation steps

For you to be clear about how to visualize, here are most important things to do.
  1. Bring forth your heart’s vision rather than that coming from your ego
  2. Visualize every detail of it, as though it’s happening now
  3. Get the feeling that you’re already there
  4. Dwell on this feeling and amplify it
  5. Give the attention to this vision every day
  6. Protect your vision from dying off by not talking about it
  7. Protect  your vision from your own doubts and fears
  8. When the vision becomes infused with emotion and starts growing by itself, use its energy that comes in the form of inspiration to take actions to manifest it
  9. Notice your surroundings shifting, energy changing and other evidence that your goal is coming into manifestation

Conclusion and final manifestation and visualization advice

I hope that through my personal examples and manifestation steps it became clearer to you how to correctly visualize your goal for it to surely materialize.
Trust this beautiful creative process of visualization that’s backed with universal laws. It surely works, but most people either kill off the vision themselves with feeling unsure about it or fearing failure, or their allow the disbelief of others to kill it for them.
Guard the precious sprout of your vision and you will see it growing and blossoming.

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