
6 Activities for Self-improvement and Personal Growth

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Leonardo da Vinci
There are people who constantly grow, develop and learn new things. People who are sure that knowledge, skills and new experiences enrich their lives and make them better. People, who have goals and do things in order to reach them.
There are also others…
Those who are stuck at the same level. Those who work at the same place for ages because they are ”loyal” to the company. Those who did not read or learn anything new after their graduation because they ”did not have time” and were ”too busy”. Most of them do not change anything because they don’t want to leave their comfort zone.
Since you are reading this post I am absolutely sure that you are from the first group, because otherwise you would most probably read Cosmo or Maxim instead.
So you are as addicted to knowledge as I am?
Then most probably you too enjoy the below personal development activities, which contribute to growth.
1.    Read
Some believe that any kind of read is very useful and from absolutely any book there is a lot to learn. Maybe that’s how it was before, when there was no self-publishing and what we read assured minimum level of quality.
Now I would encourage you to read selectively. If done so, fiction and non-fiction as well as good blogs will assist you in your journey to personal growth.
2.    Take an online course
Fortunately now there are no limitations and you can get any resources in subjects you are interested in. There are plenty free resources as well, so lack of money is no longer a barrier. It does not matter in which part of the world you live either, since with Internet we all seem to be everywhere.
If you are unsure whether you should enrol in an on-line program or take a few courses, make sure that you request more information from some university websites. The school will then respond with more than enough information with which to make your decision, so you can be completely informed before signing up.
Remember that no barrier should get between you and your dreams, including your current location and financial situation. There are always solutions to your problems, particularly in today’s society with on-line degrees being so widely available to people all over the world.
3.    Do brain workouts
Brain is a muscle, which needs stretching from time to time. Intellectual games (Sudoku, crosswords, etc.) and puzzles ensure the workout your brain needs.
Play Sudoku and word games, solve riddles and put together a puzzle once in a while. Your brain will appreciate that.  
4.    Travel
There are so many amazing places to see, so many interesting people to meet and so many new experiences to have.
Visiting different countries will help you realize how colorful, diverse and interesting the world really is. Each trip will bring new friends, new emotions, knowledge and memories.
More you see broader you will think more open-minded you will become and easier you will overcome cultural differences.
No matter where you go and how much you stay your trips will add value to the way you see things.
5.    Create
Everyone is creative. We all were born with equal amount of creativity. Look at children and you will see!
Later life happens and the creativity in most of us falls asleep. And we end up thinking ”wow, I wish I could write too… I wish I could paint too… I wish … I wish…”.
You know what? Stop wishing and start acting.
You do not need a falling star for that. All you need is desire.
Go ahead. Doodle something, write few lines, sing along, take photos… anything…
Simply call back the sleeping creativity and wake it up. Give it a chance and you’ll see what happens.
6.    Spend time alone
I have written about the benefits of spending some time alone in post called 8 Simple Ways to Enjoy Loneliness. It is my most popular post so far btw.
Spend some time alone to go back to your life events and evaluate your values, actions and thoughts. Or try to find out new things. 

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