
10 Things Creative People Do Differently

Being different is not easy. You may get mocked or simply be misunderstood. That is why many people choose the easier way and hide the fact that they are different from others. It is much easier like that.
Many people do that… but not the creative people. Creative people not only are different, but they also express that difference in different shapes and colors.
So what is it that creative people do differently?
1. They Daydream
Who said dreaming is a waste of time? Who said we should always stick to the reality? Many creative ideas are result of daydreaming and creative people do it on daily basis.
2.  They Observe
We all are too busy to notice the things around us. But there are so many interesting things in the streets, in the public transport, at the office… if we only take the time to observe and notice. Creative people observe the things around them and watch people. Many ideas start their development from there.
3. The ask questions
Creative people are very curious. They ask questions and look for the answers. Each question brings a new path towards discovering new things and coming up with creative ideas.
4. They always look for ways for self-expression
For creative people self-expression is crucial. They desperately need to express themselves, their ideas and share what they have created with the world.
5. They enjoy and cherish solitude
Creative people don’t avoid being alone. Just the opposite, they need solitude, since it boosts their creativity. They feel comfortable being with themselves and actually enjoy the loneliness.
6. They break the rules
Usually the creativity does not fit into the rules. Following the same rules bring us to the same point and we all end up with more-less similar results. One has to break the rules and do things in a different way in order to come up with something original and unique.
7. They take risks

By sharing their works creative people take the risk of not being understood, of not being appreciated or of being thought of as crazy. But that’s the only way to succeed, because until they take the risk and share their works no one will know that they exist.
8. They listen to their inner voice
Creative people have well developed intuition and spend lot of time in solitude. That results in being able to hear their inner voice and have fruitful dialogues with it.
9. They work when they feel like it
Creativity can’t be forced. If you want to kill the creativity then set deadlines, get detailed instructions about what needs to be done and create when you don’t feel like it. Creative people can feel inside when they can produce good quality work and when not. So they follow their own rhythm and are more productive that way.
10. They keep trying
Everyone fails. Life makes sure that you fail once in a while. What’s important is how you react to failure. Creative people keep trying. They simply don’t give up.
One should not forget that we all were born creative and talented. We all have it deep inside. We simply have to find that deep place where the creativity hides, tap into it and nurture it.

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