

This week’s been a big one for me. Until now, I’ve been in the closet when it comes to stress. I’ve worked hard to stay cool in the office – and then taken out my pent-up stress on my boyfriend (sorry).
Few people knew that my head is constantly whirring with anxiety. From lying awake at night stressing about money problems, to biting my nails on the train thinking of all the deadlines I have looming, I’ve had enough of it. I’m ‘coming out’ – and I’m determined to achieve a measure of inner calm to rival my appearance.
Enter the #wh21daychallenge. I’ve tried apps, audio guides and classes and here’s what I've learnt so far, in my first week of daily meditation.


My first hurdle? Finding time to sit still. With a to-do list as long as my arm I needed to make sure this meditation malarky fits into my schedule. A 10 minute focused breathing sesh before bed seemed a good way to start. Chris Conners, founder of meditation mecca Modcon ( suggested giving all my focus to breathing. “Remember how precious your breath is - it is the place between life and death. This helps gain perspective on the stresses of everyday life.”
Here’s how to do it (yup, there’s a special technique):
Breathe in, inhaling deeply and filling your stomach with air. When you exhale your stomach should go in. Sounds simple, but for years I did the opposite.
With that in mind, I sat on my bed and focused on breathing properly. Thoughts still popped in and out of my brain, but I tried my best to brush them off and let my breathing become my main focus. It felt great - and I had a wonderful night’s sleep and woke up feeling full of beans.


Finding time to paint my nails seems a challenge at the moment, let alone twenty minutes to meditate, so my train commute was the perfect time to try some guided meditations from iTunes. There’s loads to choose from, and they cost pennies. Win.
Sound-cancelling headphones came in handy – though I do think Boris should consider piping meditation recordings through the tube network. I also slipped out at lunch to the park for a quick meditation. Headphones in, sunglasses on, anyone would think I was just catching some rays.
Tip: Take as little as possible with you. You don’t want to be worrying about someone nicking your bag while you’re in the zone.


I took part in a Yoga Flow class followed by Yoga Nidra (yoga sleep) at Good Vibes Studio in Covent Garden. WOW. I felt relaxed from the final namaste until the next morning. “Going straight into stillness is a challenge for urbanites. Our lives are fast-paced and due to our digital ‘on’ culture it takes time to unwind. Flowing yoga gets blood pumping though your muscles and releases tension, while restorative yoga allows our connective tissues to release, so you’re in the perfect state to meditate,” says Nahid De Belgeonne, Good Vibes Founder and WH yoga blogger.


There are so many ways to meditate it can get confusing. Keep an open mind and try a few techniques. Meeting guru Will Williamson ( has had the biggest impact on me so far.
Previously, I’d been trying to shut down my brain. My first taste of Will’s Vedic Meditation (which promises ‘rest up to five times deeper than sleep’) turned this around. He actually made me actively focus on my thoughts. The focus here is on the brain.
I was told to bring six flowers and three fruits for a ceremony before the mediation. After letting my boyfriend and parents know the address of the session and swearing that I was out of there at the first sight of a sacrificial lamb, I arrived with a bunch of flowers, a mango, a fig and a nectarine.
After the ceremony (I can’t tell you anything about it, but there wasn’t a sacrifice in sight, honest) I was given my very own mantra which I had to repeat in my head for 20 minutes, sitting with my eyes closed. I was then told to try and do so twice a day for twenty minutes – anywhere. On the train, before I go to sleep, even sitting on the toilet at work (not really, boss!)
I’ve been doing this for four days now and it feels amazing. No incense, chakra spray or scented candles needed, just my personal mantra. It creates a sensation of being in the dream-like state between sleep and waking. Strange visualisations pop into my mind and then disappear leaving another thought behind. All you need to do is remember to repeat your mantra.
I’ve been bursting with energy - and all those ridiculous worries? Gone. It can even cure hangovers - 20 minutes repeating my mantra on Sunday morning confirmed it. Result.


1/ If you’re planning to meditate in the morning have a shower first, or at least splash your face with water. This helps your body and mind distinguish between sleep and meditation.
2/ Avoid looking at your phone before you meditate. The stimulation will mean you take longer to switch off.
3/ Comfortable clothing can help you relax. I recommend Splendid’s cotton active pant or Olivia Von Halle silk pyjamas.
4/ Try not to eat or drink caffeine for two hours before meditation. Your body will be settled which will help you focus.

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