
3 Ways Your Spirit Guides Can Help You Find Your True Purpose

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The new year can be an exciting time to go in a bold, new direction.
But what if you're feeling lost and aren't sure what that new direction is? If you're unsure about the next step to take in your career, relationship, or other aspect of your life, it can leave you feeling frustrated and unable to move forward.
Seven years ago, I was desperately wanting to have a career that I loved, but I had no clue what I wanted to do. I kept trying different options, but I still didn't feel like I was on the right path.
That's when I decided to ask my Spirit Guides for help. As a medium, I've been communicating with these loving spiritual helpers since I was a child, but I didn't realize they could help me find direction until that stressful time when I felt lost. By following their guidance, I have since created a career that I love and have helped thousands of people get clarity about their lives, too.
If you're feeling lost about your direction as the new year approaches, here are three reminders from your Spirit Guides to help keep you moving forward:
1. You are never lost.
No matter how lost and confused you feel, you are never truly lost. You don't need to know exactly how and when everything will work out. You just need to know the next step.
When I wanted career direction, I knew my next step was to quit the job I was miserable doing. I was too scared to take that step, so I convinced myself that I was lost. Is it possible that your feeling of being lost is really the fear of moving forward?
In this moment, you know everything you need to know to take the next step. Take slow, deep breaths until your mind feels focused, and then ask within, What is the next step? Observe what comes to you. If the answer feels peaceful, then it is from your source of inner guidance. If you feel stressed, fearful, or judged, then your thoughts have interfered. Take a slow, deep breath and try again.
2. Follow your joy.
In every situation, following your joy is the most practical, logical and soul-satisfying decision you can make.
Even though I didn't know how it related to my future career, part of following my joy was joining a singing group at a local church. Being part of that spiritual community made me realize how much I wanted to share messages to help people live their Spirit, which led to my ideal career. It's also where I met my husband. Everything fell into place when I followed my joy.
Whether you feel lost in your career, relationship, or some other area of your life, ask yourself what would bring you joy? If you knew everything would work out perfectly, what would you do?
3. You are powerful.
Sometimes you may know what you want, but yet you feel incapable of achieving it. From my journey and from working with other people, I have learned that most of us feel smaller and less powerful than we actually are.
One day I asked my Spirit Guides what belief I need to overcome, and they said, "Stop believing you're only human. You have unlimited power and potential in each moment."
You are more powerful than your fear of being lost. No obstacle that you face in life is bigger than you are.
By focusing on one step at a time, following your joy, and remembering who you are on a spiritual level, you'll be headed in the right direction for a happy and fulfilling new year!

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