
Your Life Is NOT As Bad As You Think It Is!

Perspective. What an interesting word. It is the Achilles' heel of every human being. Think about it for a moment. Everything we think and feel is due to our perspective. A rainy day may be seen as a ruined picnic to one person but a God-send to a drought-infested farmer. One man may think blondes are the bomb, and another may prefer brunettes. White water rafting is exhilarating to one person, but strikes terror in someone who can't swim. Politics, religion, finances, marriage do's and don'ts, fashion sense, furniture arrangement, holiday traditions-it is ALL a matter of perspective! I can hear you now, "But that's how I was raised." And with whose "perspective" were you raised?

If a child was told from the time he/she was little that an apple's color is blue, and there was no one there to refute it, don't you think that child would grow up believing apples are blue? Based on the input he/she was given, he/she may believe 2+2=7, nice girls don't speak their minds, Christmas stockings should be hung outside, all dogs are to be feared, our family is, and never will be, good at certain things such as sports/finances/marriage/confidence... and the list goes on, and on, and on.

So, what is not as bad as you think it is? All of it! None of it is real. It's all perspective. The most-persuasive motivational speakers in the world are selling you one thing-their perspective! Does it make it correct? No. It may ring a bell with you and you feel empowered when you hear it. That's great! Adopt the parts that work for you, that make you feel better, and change your life for the positive. But the point I want you to walk away with is this: No label, no stamp, no assumption, tradition or amount of people screaming at you who they think you should be, matters at all. This is YOUR life! You write the script! You delete the parts that aren't working for you, and you tell the others that they are welcome to take their own advice but you are going to pull your own strings. Toss all of it in the trash can that is not serving you. The past is shadows. They lose their strength when you shine a light on them and strip them of their false beliefs.

This is an excerpt from Rebecca F. Pittman's new book, Troubleshooting Men, What in the WORLD do they want?, available now on Amazon. Part 1 helps you create an amazing life through improved self-esteem and confidence. We also included what over 2,000 men say men are looking for in a woman, date or marriage. More articles on self-esteem are available at our free website, []. Buy the book for yourself or a friend and see what all the fuss is about!

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