
Why Failure and Adversity Are the Stepping Stones to Success

Reading this title might elicit an "I don't want to hear it" response from many people. I know I used to have that exact response, and every once in a while, it still pops up for me depending on the day and what's taking place. But when I step back for a moment and look at the big picture--in other words, view the failures and adversities from a much broader perspective or viewpoint, I recognize the importance of what I've learned from them and why they were presented to me. This allows me to really understand that failure and adversity really are the stepping stones to success regardless of what it is I'm trying to achieve. This is stepping into your faith, learning, and growing as a person.

The reason I'm writing about this today is to try to get it across to people who might be on the verge of giving up on their dream or are feeling a bit beaten down from things not going their way over and over again. If you are experiencing this right now, hang on! Things will get better if you can acknowledge and understand the following.

One of the reasons we experience failure and adversity is so we learn and grow and don't continue to make the same mistakes. There are almost always much better ways to more successfully accomplish various steps or actions we need to take. We just don't know it at the time. This is all part of the Divine's plan to help us learn, grow, and become who we are to become.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." ~ Winston Churchill

To me, this quote is the epitome of what we all need to do to make it over the hump and create the successful and happy lives we want. It's not just an old saying that's been around for generations. It's not just a motivational writing to make us feel better. Everything takes place in Divine order because even though we may not know it or see it, the Divine has a natural plan for each of us. So we learn by making mistakes and experiencing adversity, and sometimes it will happen even if we do our best to be diligent about best steps. But rather than wallow in self-pity or complain about our failure or adversity, we must take full responsibility for ourselves, shift our thinking, behavior, and actions, and step into our faith to move forward.

If you develop this understanding and make positive shifts in thinking, behaviors, and actions, things will get better for you. And, if you truly understand that stepping into your faith and making these shifts is a choice, you will find yourself over time taking full responsibility for yourself and staying positive in the face of any failure or adversity. I'm not saying you won't feel hurt or let down when experiencing failures or adversities. Those are normal emotions we all experience. What I am saying is when you make the choice to make these positive shifts and take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life, you will rebound much more quickly and move on so you can better meet your successes.

Making these shifts will make you determined to persevere, learn what it is you need to learn, focus on solutions, and enthusiastically take action on them no matter what. This will allow success to play itself out. This is all part of Divine order. You see, when you stand in your faith and are happy, positive, full of great expectation, and willing to roll with the punches, you're more able to maintain your enthusiasm no matter what happens.

When you make this shift in thinking, you put yourself in a position to attract creative ideas and connections with the people, circumstances, and opportunities that drive you to your success. This is the Universal Law of Attraction at work! Positive attracts positive. This is how God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, All That Is, whatever you choose to call your higher spirit, knows you are ready for the success you seek.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, the reason I'm writing it is to try to get these messages across to people who might be on the verge of giving up on their dream or are feeling a bit beaten down from things not going their way over and over again. But, if they make the shifts I talked about above, they'll have a good start at changing their life experiences and reaching those sought after successes.

That said, I realize this information can seem a bit hard to grasp when you first start learning about Divine order and Universal laws such as the Law of Attraction. But as you experience it, it will become very real for you. If you doubt that the Law of Attraction really is part of the Divine or Universal order, try making some of the shifts I suggest in this article, practice them consistently, and be aware of what takes place for you in your daily life. I'm sure you'll soon be a firm believer!

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