
Deal with change, for, Change is a fact of life

How Well Do You Deal With the Winds of Change?

How well do you deal with change? Do you fight change or accept it? There are three things we can count on in life: death, taxes, and change. Changes can be rather difficult to deal with. Here are five strategies that might be helpful.
1. Strive to think positive about change. Look for a silver lining in whatever is changing. There must something positive about the change. The only way life improves for us is that some kind of change takes place. If you can't think of anything positive about the looming change in your life, maybe it's time to change your perspective on the change. Sometimes people get fired from their jobs or let go through no fault of their own. Their company was downsizing and they were caught in the winds of change. Many of these people search for a replacement job until they eventually get one. And sometimes that job is even more fulfilling than the one they left. That possibility turns out to be the best silver lining of all.
2. Meanwhile, be as positive as you possibly can be. Even if the world seems to be crumbling around you, fake it to you make it. That doesn't mean that I am asking you to be a phony. I am asking you to strive to be positive about changes and the future. You may even attract people who will help you deal with the problematic changes by presenting them with a positive outlook on your part.
3. Accept the change as well as you can. Accepting is very important because fighting changes drains you of energy to deal effectively with the mandated changes in your lifestyle. Don't dread the future. Be open to possible positive possibilities.
4. Create an action plan that deals with the painful issues in your life. Do whatever you can that's a healthy strategy make things better. Don't shy away from asking for help. You might discover that some of the least likely people might offer some meaningful help. Create your own personal support group that will decrease the stress that you feel. Let them know you will be there for them in their time of need. Be grateful for their presence in your life. It will pay big emotional dividends for you later on.
5. If you look for the good in the world, you'll find it. If you look for the bad in the world, you'll find it. It's your choice. If you accept change, stay positive, look for a silver lining, create an action plan, and fake it to you make it, you will most likely make it in style!
May the winds of change carry you to a better place in life.

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