
It's A Mind Thing (By Jana Hicks)

Having a healed soul begins with having a healed mind. The soul house your mind, will, and emotions. I am in the life long process of healing my soul. When I got saved/born again my awareness of the damage and trauma in my soul became heightened as my relationship with God and His word continued to grow in my life. My thinking was so messed up. I cried out to God to help me because I didn't know how I was going to make it pass all of the trauma in my soul. With each experience and with each loss of family members back to back parts of me became deeply wounded by the losses. Three of the losses was my 3 siblings. After my youngest brother passed I didn't know how I was going to come out of all the trauma.

As I prayed about it God started showing me through different ministers that it is my thinking and changing the negative thoughts rooted deeply in my neural pathways with the word of God. Even though I know the word it was going to take a deeper work to heal my mind. Thoughts are everywhere and if you do not cast them down you will keep fighting them to a place where it can wear you out.

As 2 Corinthians 10:5 (The Voice) tell us what to do with a negative mindsets:

We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.

I learned through a well-known minister Dr. Juanita Bynum how to change my brain. Even my Pastor A.R. Bernard taught on it. God was speaking loud to me! As I began to apply what I was learning the darkness in my soul was giving way to the light of the word of God. This is a lifetime process and you will have moments when it feels as you took steps backwards but don't give up on the process of taking control of how you think. Here are a few steps to follow I have learned and will work as long as you stay consistent in applying them:

1. You have 10 seconds before a negative thought becomes yours. Replace that thought with positive new information/thought - the word of God.

2. It takes 12 pieces of positive information to remove one negative thought

3. Negative thoughts are going to come make sure you don't let them make a nest in your head.

4. Screen your thoughts and think about what your thinking.

5. Don't just let your mind wander all over the place

6. Meditate on the word of God to help push out the negative.

Romans 12:2 (New International Version) States:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

You are the sum total of your thoughts this motto rings so true "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" so don't waste it.

Quote: Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will - Zig Ziglar

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