
The Keys To Getting What You Want (By Mark Huddleston)

I would like to let you know what qualifies me to mentor you. My name is Dr. Mark L. Huddleston. I started my exciting journey April 14th, 1998. I experience a quantum shift in paradigms. I went from disbelieving to believing. I went from being a pessimist to an optimist. Instead of seeing the glass half empty, I began to see the glass half full and opportunity all around me. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I remember waking up in a total panic. I remember that I was totally broke. I was bringing home $7,000 a month and my rent on my apartment was only $800 a month. After all my bills were paid I had over $5,000 to myself to spend, so why was I broke?

I had to do some soul searching. I had to try to make sense of what was happening in my life before it was too late. My health was failing me, and my mental state of mind was dwindling also. The only difference between me and millions of people from around the world was that I was facing my demons and trying to make sense out of doing so.

During my soul searching, I recognized that all people were given the number one power ever given to any animal on this planet. That power, is the power to choose. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice to choose.

I found out in a few hours that I had no clue to what I wanted out of life. I also found out that I was supporting a bunch of freeloaders that lived in my apartment complex. I found that I was buying my so-called friends. I also found that I was the one initiating the contact all the time with those so-called friends. The only time they ever seemed to come around was then they wanted something. They never seemed to come around when they had money or anything of value. This was a wake-up call for me. I realized that I did not have any friends at all. Even the members of my family were scum. I recognized that I always initiated the contact with them also.

From that sunny day in April on, I would never be the same person that I presently was. I made a vow with God that I would change and be the best that I could possibly be in anything that I ventured into. From that sunny day in April I swore to become engaged in personal self-development.

I realize on that sunny in April that I lived in the greatest country on the planet and there was no reason why I should be in the predicament that I was in. I knew that there was something holding me back from my purpose on earth.

The first thing I did was to sit down and set some attainable goals. Then I had to come up with a list of things I wanted out of life. I concluded that if I wanted anything out of life I first had to know what I wanted. Not knowing what you want is like starting out on a trip without knowing your destination and what direction to travel in. Your chance of reaching an unknown destination in an unknown direction by driving on an unknown road for an unknown length of time is just plain absurd.

What is needed is you to have a destination in life. This would be your life goal. You need a target to aim at. How can you hit your target if you don't first take aim at it? That's like a blind man entering a skeet shooting contest and expecting to win. The reason why people fail is that they do not know what they truly want. So, they wander aimlessly through life looking for something that never materializes. They go around in circles, chasing their own tail, only to come back to where they first started. They think they're going up, when they're really sinking down.

So, the first thing you want to do is, find out what you want to do and make a plan to accomplish it. What is your end-game? Are you looking for happiness? Are you looking for love? Are you wanting to be successful? Do you want to be wealthy? What is it that you want? Just know, that you can have anything you desire, but you first have to know what you want before you can obtain it.

I found out that getting what you want in life can be as simple as making the right choices. You must decide what, when, and how you will go about getting what you want. Consciously or subconsciously, your mind is continuously confronted by the necessity of making choices. You must decide if you will do something or not. There is no such thing as not deciding. Even if you choose not to choose, you have made a choice. Choosing to do nothing is a choice which may well determine whether or not you get what you want, just ask anyone that has dropped out of school!

Always know that you cannot avoid the necessity of constantly making choices. If you try to avoid or delay making a choice, you are choosing to do nothing and that is a choice which can affect your life as much, or perhaps more, than deciding to do something. If you do nothing you are guaranteed to be nothing. If you do something, you are guaranteeing yourself the possibility of getting what you want. You must choose which action to take, which group to join, which cause to advocate, which job to take, which city to live in, and which life style you choose to live.

This article cannot make these decisions for you because these choices will have to be your own personal choices to make. This article gives you the knowledge to make you aware of your choices you make and the consequences that come along with the choices you make.

The last key to getting what you want would be self-development. You need to learn how to get what you want. If you don't know how to get what you want, you will never obtain it. I began to pick up every book I could get my hands on that interest me. I wanted more out of life, so I began to absorb anything and everything that I came in contact with.

I began getting mentored by some of the greatest minds in the world today. People like, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Covey, and Jack Canfield, just to name a few. Can you imagine being mentored by people like this? If you seek, you will find. Just know, when the student shows up, the teacher will appear.

I learned what the law of attraction can do for a person. I learned what you put out is what you receive back on most cases. This law stands true to this day. There are several elements that you may want to apply to your daily routine.

1. You will want to use the power of positivity to propel you into successful action and enable you to motivate others to act in your behalf to help you get what you want. Positive attitude is what ignites the soul and gives you the personal power to turn others on! Positive attitude will give you the lift you need to get what you want.

2. The methods shared with you in this article taught me about personal development which is the easiest, fastest, way to improve the quality of your life. Your friends, family, and the people that you know that you want to impress will noticed the positive change within you once you begin your personal improvement journey. Only through self-development can you earn, deserve and get what you want in life. Know that your rewards in life are in direct proportion to the services you provide.

3. Understand, that you cannot obtain the help and win the required cooperation of others by pressure or by force. Pressure creates resistance. Force creates enemies. And resistance and enemies are things you don't need in your life if you want to get what you want in life.

You can obtain the enthusiastic cooperation of others by using the power of self-development and the power of attraction to get others to do what you want them to do. So, right now you will want to get started. It is up to you and you only to create a positive boldness in your life. Once this begins to happen you will begin to radiate an enthusiastic aura from your being. You will begin to look like a success! You will begin to act like a success! You will begin to be successful by undertaking in the many things you will learn by investing in yourself.

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