
Enemies of Success

The race to become successful is one many of us are on. There are many obstacles and roadblocks we must face to get there but the goal is always the same; Massive Achievement. For many that goal never becomes a reality.

Why? Because success has enemies. Anything worthwhile will require focus, dedication and determination to become a reality. Along with these traits we must also prepare to do battle with the enemy of success. It has many faces but only one goal: mediocrity.

Here are some common and hard to defeat enemies of success;

• Negative Mentality - whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve. A positive mentality sets you up for success. You feel like the entire world is under your feet and nothing is too difficult for you. Conversely if you have a negative mentality then you feel like the whole world is on top of you and no matter what you do there is no way of escape. To become the success, you were destined to be you must remove negative thoughts and replace them with thoughts about how all things are possible because you believe in yourself.

• Defeatist Attitude - when we face challenges that take us out our attitude can go from "right up my alley" to "why the heck did I try this in the first place?" We second guess our intentions, actions and motives. To prevent a defeatist attitude from sinking in remind yourself that the only thing that can fail is a try. You are not a failure because you tried something that didn't work; you fail if you refuse to get up after being knocked down. When hit 7 times all you must do to win is get up 8.

• Mediocrity - mediocrity is to success what good is to great. When we perform at a mediocre level it's not that we have failed; we just didn't succeed greatly. Its average, just enough to get by but not great. How do we go from well (mediocre) to great (success)? Strive to live at your potential. Don't settle from just getting by or getting over. Strive to annihilate your obstacles, climb to the top instead of stopping on the way up and give over 100% into everything you are involved with.

• Settling for winning a battle instead of winning the war - much like being mediocre we must focus on overcoming the war not just winning a few battles. For example, if you are an alcoholic and you wish to stop drinking you can go a whole day with no liquor and be glad. But to think you have defeated alcoholism with 1 day of not drinking is winning a battle for the day but losing the war. Fight to win wars, not battles.

Be prepared to win. Be prepared to succeed. And stand against any enemy that stands in your way.

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