
Our Freedom of Choice

No one has power over our minds!

Regardless of our current situation and experiences. Regardless of our heritage, our belief systems and values, or our historical conditioning through religion, family, society or education!

It doesn't matter where we have been or where we come from, our minds are our own!

Unfortunately as a result of these influences, factors and experiences we do not exercise our freedom of choice as we should, and for the most part we default to our existing state of conditioning, which unfortunately is more often than not limited to an inferior level... a level way below what our true potential can accomplish!


For every situation or dealing, we are exposed to, we find ourselves presented with the following equation:


  • The event/interaction. Better referred to as a stimulus, could be either negative or positive. In fact, most of times they are neutral events imposed upon us by an external force or a person, known or unknown! This is an action that is commonly referred to as 'happening to me'. This is something we have no control over.
  • The response. This portion is all us! This is what we do following the event or interaction being imposed on us. This is entirely an internal driven, individual action.
  • The outcome. The resultant condition, emotion, environment or atmosphere that pervades when all is said and done.

In order to develop a deeper awareness, we can take the above equation and expand on it as follows:


We can develop the awareness that we have a window of opportunity, regardless of how small it may be, to make a choice prior to issuing a response.

This choice will determine whether we react or respond, how we perceive the EVENT/INTERACTION along with the importance that is placed upon the it.

Whatever happens though, we have to engage our Freedom of Choice and take better control over what influences we will feed into our response and therefore have a greater impact on the collective outcome.


As this mindfulness of how our freedom of choice can greatly influence our outcomes, it is important to begin to develop an understanding of what influences our freedom of choice.

These can be:

  • Our awareness of the situations or environment that the person, group, or external influence is coming from or exposed to.
  • Our awareness of our own capabilities in relation to what we are being confronted with in conjunction with an awareness of how the interaction or event will impact on our own personal situation.
  • Our existing level of knowledge in relation to the
  • Our understanding of the other people or groups that have initiated a response.
  • Our beliefs. Do they correspond to the influence or are they being challenged? Will our beliefs be compromised, exposed or validated at the outset of the interaction?
  • Our Expectations. Are they being met or are they being let down or subordinated to some degree?
  • Our desires. What are we pursuing, both big picture and to the short-term needs and requirements? Does this interaction move us into the path or vibration of our desires or is it a disruption, negative or positive?

Effectively the influences over our freedom of choice in the situations we find ourselves in is going to be dependent, largely on the resources we have absorbed or utilised over and also the capacity we have created for ourselves through study, personal development and self-improvement study!


The value of positively engaging our freedom of choice can progress our situation and move us into a more focused and healthier vibration.

This can be demonstrated by:

  • Serenity: we can maintain a wonderful composure that demonstrates a higher level of wisdom and self-control! Knowing that what others impose on us does not affect us, if we choose and this in turn reinforces a wonderful confidence in ourselves as well as our progressing abilities!
  • Not being rushed: following from serenity is an expansion on the composure we radiate by ensuring that the appropriate time for all things is taken. This helps us greatly from 'blowing a fuse' at the smallest thing!
  • Peace: in harmony with serenity is the peace and stillness that pervades within our mental and emotional capabilities.
  • Humility. Knowing, that with an increased awareness is that we are not better than the initiating person or force, just different and this position of humility allows all confrontation to be broken down, but also (in a positive interaction) allows us to know that we can always learn and grow, and therefore harvest the best learning experience possible!
  • Discipline. This is a vital benefit as without sound discipline, self-control and the ability to learn new skills will not manifest. The disciplines we can radiate will be apparent as follows: All our actions are aligned to our specific purpose. We improve in our bbility to set meaningful priorities. There is an ever-increasing ability to sacrifice the good (instant gratification) for the great. We do not give in short term emotions at the expense of long-term growth!

So, I encourage you to take a deeper reflection on your current level of self-control and grow in the understanding of how this can always provide an advantage... regardless of the interaction!

At invinciblemind, we believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and are striving to share the life-changing effects of a renewed mind!

Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invinciblemind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision!

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