
Is The Time Bomb In Your Head Killing You

Everyone has this time bomb in their head - it's ticking - for some folks it's ticking so fast they are heading for the grave before they know it. For others - it's ticking but it's just slowly ticking and stealing the value of life from their life.

Are you slowly killing yourself?

If you have never read an article about "stress" you have probably just landed here from some distant planet.

I will also wager that if you are an employee, employer, parent or spouse you know some of the symptoms and causes of stress. It is not my objective to lecture you on life's do's and don'ts and right's or wrong's but to simply ask you if you realize the negative long-term consequences of your stressors and the benefit of managing them better before it is too late.

Let me summarize my all-day seminar on stress with one sentence. Stress is your inside-out reaction to outside-in circumstances, events or people. Sound simple? Well, if it is why do so many people die every year from stress-related illnesses?

The number one contributor to death (I didn't say cause) is stress. Know the number one contributor to stress? It's impatience and/or the need for control. Know a control freak? Know someone who is impatient, in a hurry or have just "lost it" when it comes to letting life be as it is and not how they feel or believe it should always be?

Keep in mind failure causes stress. Winning the lottery causes stress. Losing a job causes stress. Getting a promotion causes stress. Get it? 

Each of us daily, even hourly must confront people and issues that bring with them great potential for stress. We can't stick our heads in the sand and ask the world to go away. We must deal in the evolving, often hectic, fast paced and ever-changing world of business, finances, technology and relationships. And we must survive as we go about these daily routines. It's a fact that most of us create our own stress and/or our stressors. We do so in a variety of ways. Here are just a few;

1. We create deadlines and expectations. 2. We set ourselves up for frustration and disappointment. 3. We have unrealistic attitudes and goals. 4. We live out of balance. 5. We carry around blame and resentment. 6. We suppress feelings and emotions. 7. But most of all we fail to keep all of this in perspective as we move through the hours, days and years of our life.

So why do we do this to ourselves? And we do - do it to ourselves. No one does it to us. We do it in the name of success, financial gain, profit, competition, winning, perceived happiness, security, ego needs or arrogance and more and more and more. And in the long run, we end up with less. Less satisfying relationships, poor health, less fun, less happiness and less pure joy of living. Stress keeps you stuck in the future or the past and out of the joy of the present.

Stress, in my opinion, is the single greatest threat to happiness, joy and a truly rewarding life. It ruins relationships. It causes health issues. It destroys careers.

I hope I have your attention. If you are under stress you don't need me to tell you. Your body is doing an excellent job of telling you this very minute. You are either ignoring the signals or overriding them with drugs, denial, pills, projection or stimulants of some kind.

There is something you can do to alleviate all of this stress in your life. You will not find my suggestions very profound or enlightening. But they will help you live longer.

1. Lighten up. 2. Accept that life and business is a game. You win some and you

lose some. You will never win them all and you won't lose them all. 3. Relax. You can't keep draining your battery without recharging it from time to time. 4. Slow down. You are not in a race. If you think you are, trust me you will never win. Your only hope is to just try and finish, alive. 5. Stay in the present. Your mad dash into your future is all in vain. The time you miss now, the fun you miss now, the relationships you miss now and the simple pleasures you miss now can't be found in the future. They can't be enjoyed from a hospital bed or from the grave. 6. Laugh a lot. Laughter is nourishment for the soul. 7. Take time to play. 8. Accept people and life as it is. You can't change anyone. People are who they are and act the way they act. Period. Life is. You can't manipulate the rules of the universe and life to your liking. 9. Rest. It is not a sin to do nothing. It is not a crime to every now and then spend time in an aimless pursuit of nothingness.

It's a choice - live longer or die sooner - this my friend is a simple fact of life - manage your stressors or let them kill you.

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