
Decide to Choose Clarity

Becky lived in an apartment with a couple of roommates, and she wanted a space of her own. Faced with all the options available to her, she kept saying, "I'm so confused." She was afraid she was going to make the wrong decision, get trapped somewhere she didn't want to be, or miss out on something better. The confusion left her paralyzed. So she didn't choose anything different and even when her roommates changed, she stayed where she was.

Clarity is vitally important for you to know what you want. Once you are clear on your goal, you can focus on it and move in that direction. Clarity is necessary for you to have success in any area of your life. If you don't know what you want, you'll just drift along and receive the results of the average of your thoughts.

Without clarity, you're in a perpetual state of confusion. This causes insecurity and stress, which simply creates more turmoil. You run around in circles and don't get anywhere. You might look at one option after another, and all the possibilities you face produces more chaos for you.

But the only person who is generating your confusion is you. By affirming that you're in this state, refusing to commit to a path, or allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by choices, you're contributing to the challenge. You're giving your subconscious mind the message to keep you scattered. The underlying issue may be that you're trying to avoid responsibility, afraid you'll make a mistake, get stuck in a situation, or fail.

Believe it or not, uncertainty is a choice. It's a decision not to decide. Once you whittle down your choices, and choose a direction, it clears away the mental fog. It may become evident that you don't want to go that route. That's fine. You can stay open to other possibilities and change your mind. But don't change it too much, or you'll find yourself back in the mists that clouded your mind in the first place.

When you pick a track and determine to continue on it, the haze clears away, and you can see a little way ahead. Take one step, then another. At this point, you don't need to know where you're going to end up. It's enough that you've chosen to move in a direction. Because when you're moving, your subconscious can guide you.

Initially, any direction is better than being stalled. So even if you're not certain about what you want, choose a path. As you're moving, you'll discover what you want and don't want. Write down your goals or intentions. This prompts you to be more specific in what you desire. Then read them every day. Ask yourself, "What can I do today that will move me in their direction?"

Once you've made a decision, don't second guess yourself. If new information comes your way, or circumstances change, then you can reevaluate your choice. But don't be distracted by a shiny, new idea or opportunity that leads you in a different direction without some reason. The diversion is a mirage and simply an old habit trying to prevent change. If you become uncomfortable, it's just the old habit of confusion trying to lure you back into its lair. Stay on track, and confusion will fade away.

As you build your commitment to your decisions, you'll gain confidence that you can make wise ones. Your inner self will guide you to make ones that take you on your optimal path. Trust yourself, because you do have the knowledge within to make the right choices for your greatest good.

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