
Why Are So Few of Us Truly Successful (By Jeffery Davis)

Success for many appears to be a fleeting event, one that passes by but is not readily accessible. For some it's a dream that is out there so far away it can never become a reality. For others it is the prize we are entitled to but have to work so hard to get. Being successful is not something people want to avoid; it just always seems out of reach.

The truth is finding lasting success is not realized because the path to becoming successful is not told in its entirety. When you study success principles many of them focus on your mentality, your activity and overcoming belief systems that keep us from being successful. If all it took to be successful was having the right mentality the world would be full of successful people.

True success begins before the journey for being successful starts. Here are a couple of factors that have influenced success for many in the past:

• Parents who speak success over their children from an early age - some households promote successful thinking for their children from birth. This habit helps to instill within the child that success is not an option but a right. It helps them to enter the world looking for that opportunity to have doors open for them.

• Parents who encourage creativity and imagination - these types of parents help children to see the possibilities that have yet to be created. Companies like Facebook, Apple and Amazon all came into being because someone used their imagination to create a reality that makes society better.

• Generational wealth passed down to children- Many families (Walton's, Hilton's, and Trumps) have children who benefited from the wealth their parents and grandparents created. Many of these children grow up to become a part of the family business and never know what it's like to work for someone else or apply for a job like the rest of us who don't benefit from generational wealth have to accomplish.

• Growing up in the absence of lack- it is very hard for children who grew up not knowing what it means to lack for anything to relate to families that have to work for everything they have and have experienced the pain of lack. It is very hard to conceive what it is like to live without when you have never had to do that.

• Having healthy success expectations set - I remember teaching a Sunday school class in my church years ago to a group of 6-8th graders. We had a career day and each child had a chance to get up before the class and share their dreams for their future. One boy who came from an affluent family made this statement; "I don't know yet what I will be when I grow up but I know whatever I choose I will be successful. My parents told me that and I believe them." This positive reinforcement does not go on in most homes but successful children many times come from successful families.

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