
How to Be Happy When You Live Alone

Living alone? Ever thought you could be happy that way? It is possible! Read on to find out.

Here are some clues to get you started:

  1. Count Your Blessings

Start the day by counting your blessings. Think mentally for all the things you are grateful for the day. Really relish and breathe through them. And feel happy.

      2.  Pray or Meditate

From a point of gratitude, the best next thing to do is to pray or meditate about the things you badly want. Feelings of gratitude make wanting your desires and believing in yourself so much easier. It helps you to send good vibes to the Universe while you pray or meditate which makes it convenient to manifest the things you believe in.

      3. De-clutter

While back home from your work or even if you work at home, you can take some time out to de-clutter your wardrobe, bookshelves and kitchen on different days and make room in your home for more. Remember less is more and that brings happiness to you and your home. Free energy and air flowing around are rejuvenating for your home, health, happiness as well as wellbeing.

      4. Write

Starting from the simple step of recording your journal entries about the day's blessings and events, you can actually start writing books in your niche, on fiction or self-help - whatever might interest you. It allows you to be creative and as you write from scratch and do some research over the mighty reign of web, sure you will come up with more and more ideas, and actually end up writing your dream book(s). The more love and effort you put into them, the better success they will bring along with happiness.

     5. Paint

Water colors or crayons in kindergarten may have been intriguing for you. It's time to rekindle that spirit once again. Get canvas and paint or drawing board and watercolors - choose the right combination that works for you and start coloring or painting and see how it goes. Try to paint looking at real objects, sceneries or a color book and see where you feel interested. Experiment with colors and make your life colorful and happy.

     6. Cook

Instead of relying on fast food or junk food, start cooking healthy diets. Get a cook book, follow the recipes you like and cook them. Invite a friend or two to comment on your cooking skills and also enjoy and laugh together and be happy.

Summing up, these six major tips come to my mind at the moment which could keep you happy and enlivened while you live alone. You could actually battle your loneliness through these activities, meet new people, make more friends and even meet your soul mate. Pretty cool, right?

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