
How to Achieve Success in Less Than 1 Year - Stop Self Sabotage (7 Tips)

As you have seen, self-sabotaging behavior can impact your ability to succeed. The negative self-talk and behavior easily forms a habit that keeps you stuck and unable to move beyond your comfort zone. Even so, there is hope. This article offers seven tip on how to stop self-sabotage - you can turn it around and achieve success in less than one year.

7 Tips

  • Investigate where the self-sabotage is coming from.

Is it from having low self-esteem or some type of anxiety? Are you needy or have unreasonable expectations? Does your self-sabotaging behavior come from a lack of assertiveness? You will need to be honest.

  • Watch your words.

When you catch yourself saying or doing something negative, turn it around. Keep repeating the positive talk. Develop a list of affirmations and post them nearby. Read them throughout the day.

  • Address your fears.

Use your fear to come up with a message that inspires you to face them. For example, say something like, "Even though I do not have the skills to complete the project on time, I know I can learn or find the resources I need to finish it.

  • Examine the behavior you want to change first.

Look at that behavior and notice what the story is that generates that behavior. Is the story true? If so, how can you let it go or change the behavior?

Self-sabotaging behavior often pops up from something we've previously experienced or been told. Learning to recognize when you are doing it and what is causing you to do is the first step to changing it.

  • Do not wait until things are perfect.

We often want to be 100% certain of an answer before we speak or put an idea into practice. Strive for excellence but put it out there anyway.

  • Get out of your comfort zone.

Take a few steps every day away from what feels comfortable. Learn a new skill. Build your confidence by learning a new skill. Just the act of trying to achieve the new skill will boost your confidence and get you out of your comfort zone.

  • Shift your belief by visualizing a positive outcome.

Start slowly and make small changes. Do not try to sprint ahead and make drastic changes. Changing your self-sabotaging behavior will take time, work, and consistent effort. But the end results can be amazing. You will be able to go for your dream and express yourself in a positive way.

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