
Get Real and Recognize When You Want the Impossible

By now, everyone has at least heard about the law of attraction. Simplistically, the law states that you get, by and large, what you think about.

Since "the secret" got out, many have tried to think about all the things they want through the application of various techniques - guided meditations, vision boards, positive thinking, positive feeling, and so on. Some swear it works, others wonder what they are missing and how come they still haven't got what their mind is focused on.

So what is missing? Is thinking about something, wanting it and feeling positively about the outcome enough to actually materialize the object of your desires? Of course not! Thinking about what you want by itself won't get you anything. You have to ACT on your thoughts and desires.

You want a new car (or some other life style improvement)? Increase your savings and reduce your expenses! You want a better job? Start treating with respect and integrity the one you have now! You want more money? Start paying off your debts diligently! You want the perfect husband? Become the perfect wife (don't just lie there wasting time in wishful thinking). Yes, the universe responds in kind but ONLY when you show that you are ready to take personal responsibility. And the only way to show you are responsible is by taking IMMEDIATE action.

Remember the old tale about the person who was constantly begging God to help him win the lottery? One day God got fed up and said "At least buy a lottery ticket".

Another legend tells the story of a tribe that prayed for rain. God promised rain but rain never came. Of course the tribe complained to which God replied "I could have sent you rain, as promised, but you didn't dig any ditches"

So it is all good to want and visualize something. But you are not ready to receive it until you start acting on it. How should you act? Do anything and everything. Acting randomly will lead you onto the right track just as surely as acting methodically and deliberately. The point is you need to be doing something, to start somewhere, anywhere. Don't just sit there staring mindlessly at your vision boards. Get real! Instead of constantly talking about your dreams, act on them. Start "digging the ditches" and you will get rain, if rain is what you want. If you don't dig the ditches, rain becomes impossible to obtain (no matter how much you pray for it).

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