
Discernment - It's A Gift!

Discernment is a major development in human consciousness. It is the primary objective universally in our current cycle of the present consciousness upgrade. It involves perceiving not only the difference between truth and deception, but the intentions, motives, and agendas behind words and actions.

When people apply the adage "consider the source," the implication is to contemplate their level of integrity and their objectives -- whether to convey truth or manipulate perception. When the objective is to manipulate perception, consciousness that is attuned to truth discerns the intentions and motives behind the information conveyed. The intention may seek to get one to "buy into" a belief or mindset that may push an idea, action, or agenda that supports a motive that is not in integrity.

Integrity means it's good for the whole as in goodwill toward all. An out of integrity motive would be coming from selfishness; reaching their deceptive intention they would personally receive more power or financial gain.

By using discernment, an individual can pick up on these out of integrity (selfish) intentions and motives initially through cognitive dissonance. It doesn't feel right, but the details of why is not immediately apparent. Discernment is a function of heart intelligence.

Our inner core provides us with a light that expresses as conscience. Our conscience also acts as a "truth sensor". Inherently we know truth. This heart intelligence is instinctive. We all have this instinctive heart intelligence. We develop it through utilization. We can depend on it.

Through independent thinking and the research of information with an open heart, our discernment grows and strengthens.

Our intellectual mind gathers and analyzes data from our outer environment. It has a place, but if it becomes dominant by being the center of our awareness which excludes the instinctive heart intelligence, we may be influenced by our ego--or sense of separation. In our mind, we are individualized; in our hearts we are connected and share energy fields of information. So if we only accept the beliefs and positions of our ego-mind, we become limited by a sense of separation. It is this sense of separation that causes selfishness, fear, greed, arrogance, narcissism, and a drive for power.

The solution is evolution. That is where we are at as a species. We are moving our center of awareness into our heart. We are letting go of old programs and beliefs that stem from being centered in an ego consciousness that made us feel separate.

The gift that we are receiving is discernment. It is critical to our survival.

Our individual and collective heart-centered awareness is generating a "perceiving, thinking (mental processing) and being" upgrade.

The general name of this collective outcome is: "The Great Awakening". Love is pouring through our hearts as we awaken in this evolution. We are realizing our connection through this process.

We resonate with truth.

We vibrate with love.!&id=10046477

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