
Unleash the Magic in YOU

Do you believe in Magic? These old and ancient traditions of magic were grounded in esoteric wisdom, working with the powers of the mind and forces of nature to face forward and bring the principles of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. into our lives. Magic has been around for a long time; the oldest and most secret of these magic forms is Huna magic, the Hawaiian word for "secret."

Huna magic is made of seven principles that pair alongside the seven principles of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. that drives Face Forward Life S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Each of these principles drives growth, manifestation, and magic alchemy manifestation that will help transform your intentions thanks to the kupua tradition.

Seven Principles of Huna

Face Forward Life S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

The world is what you think it is.

S => Story

There are no limits.

U => Unity

Energy flows where attention goes.

C => Current

Now is the moment of power.

C => Contrast

To love is to be happy with.

E => Equanimity

All power comes from within.

S => Strategy

Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

S => System

These seven principles represent the power of bringing magic inside of you. Each of these principles work to transform the struggle and clutter of your daily life into an energized and powerful path forward. Through meditation and meaningful practice in these Manifestation Evolutionary Stable Systems, you can make your M.E.S.S. Your magic and focus on your Huna and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. principles to help guide your life.

We all can use some magic sprinkled in our life. To use any kind of magic one must know their end game. A clarity on what we seek is a necessity in manifesting. You can seek out clarity through alpha meditation, a tool that will help produce a deep state of mind and retrain your brain to healthy happiness and hard work. Alpha meditation reduces stress and anxiety, reduces impulsivity and addictions, increases happiness and optimism, and increases life satisfaction. A deeply renewing alpha meditation will help you thrive, moving into a stage of magic alchemy manifestation and facing life with happiness and energy.

Distractions will come and go. They appear throughout our lives and lead us to dissipation, dependence, depression, diabetes, and disease, but through expectancy, Face Forward S.U.C.C.E.S.S, and recognizing our truths, we can ground ourselves in the present and work our way towards peace and expectancy.

Thriving through disfiguring life-threatening head/neck cancer broke the world of Magic Alchemy Manifestation wide open. I had to harness all the best luminescence practices to live. Not only did I live, my friends, I learned to create miracles. And that is what I want to share, all that is RIGHT about Y.O.U.

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