
Accepting Your Life Changes (By Rose Walker)

To let go in life you must accept changes. Change is a part of life and when you resist change you don't grow. Holding on to something or someone, because you can't accept things have changed is only holding you back. We sometimes wonder why things are not working out for us, maybe because it's time to make a change and you have not faced that yet.

For the past 12 years I have worked with writers through two of my companies. I love working with writers and had a passion for it. About 2 years ago I seem to have lost my interest and wasn't marketing my company, doing any new projects or writing. I realized something had shifted in my life and I had no interest in doing any of those things anymore.

After doing some soul-searching, I discovered I wanted to become a relationship/life coach. I have always been the one who family and friends would come to for advice and guidance on life, relationships and careers. I realize my life had changed career-wise and I had to accept it to move on. I now have developed a new company and got my certificate as a relationship coach and closed out my old company. I've moved on and accepted it was time to make a change in my career to give up something I had a passion for to let in something new, that I now have a new passion for.

Was it hard to let go of working with writers? Yes. It had been a part of my life for so long, but life changes. At first, I was not accepting my life had changed until I realize I really have no interest in doing that anymore and I needed to let it go, so I can move on with my life. Whether it's a career, a relationship or a friendship when things change in life you must face it and let it go. Have I given up on my personal writing... no, but that has changed also. The things I wrote about in the past 17 years, I'm not writing about it anymore. I've been working on a relationship book, a different type of book from the writing I did in the past.

So... my question is are you stuck in your life, because life has changed and you're not facing it to let it go?

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