
My Vegan Journey: 11 Months Of Self Improvement And The Law Of Attraction (By Debbie Frye)

On my birthday last year in February, I gorged myself on a cake from a local shop that made homemade cakes from scratch. It was so good I could not get enough and I ate for the next couple of days with some help, but I was killing it!

I had been a Pescatarian for almost a decade and was happy that I had stopped eating animals, and was doing my part to help save their lives and improve my own at the same time as well. A strange thing happened to me three days after my birthday though. I woke up and decided to go vegan. Just like that.

And So The Journey Began

I started down a road of self-discovery, and self-improvement. I watched documentaries and read books on the subject of the law of attraction. I read the Kybalion. I made a vision board of fruit and veggies and put it on top of my television But I did not stop there. I researched subjects on plant-based lifestyles and their benefits. I started to get interested in learning other subjects also. It was like something inside of me turned on and I was plugged into the great web of information and I could not absorb enough knowledge or learn fast enough.

I started watching anything to do with the conscious mind, and how it works. I got into Quantum Physics and was intrigued by "the double slit experiment proving how thoughts can change an outcome, which led me to Spirituality and Spiritual Awakenings. And my life was starting to make all kind of sense to me. Now I wanted to start traveling and see the world. Ancient history was becoming very important to learn about, and their knowledge was on the same path I was on. I learned how to meditate and since August of last year, I faithfully do it daily.

I began to care for myself from the inside out, first by letting go of people in my life that was fake and not conducive to my growth, I just let them go. I stopped watching the news because they lie and only tell you what they want you to believe. It is a distraction from what is truly important in life. My eyes were beginning to open, wide! I started to exercise regularly and drink mostly water, the higher the ph balance the better. I learned about intermediate fasting and have incorporated this into my life daily. I am thinking more clearly, sleeping better and my creativity had flourished.

I am an Artist. I always dreamt of having my work up in a gallery for people to come and see. I paint when I am in the zone and let the paintbrush just flow with all of the colors of paint. Money being tight, I would paint on pizza boxes because it was free This year my thoughts have created my world! A friend bought me an artist's easel and canvases. Friends and family bought me more canvases, paint and art supplies, even information on calls to local artists to exhibit their work! I have had my paintings in a gallery and even sold one almost immediately this Summer.

Lastly, I have just purchased a round trip ticket to go to visit Germany, which has been on my bucket list forever. My life is wonderful and I am truly grateful. I just wanted to share in hopes that someone out there gets inspired to make changes that will help get you to be your best self as well. It's never too late. Thank you.

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