
When You Emerge From Your Home, Will You See Your Shadow?

Most people are discovering a "new normal" and have changed habits and goals. While every day may seem like the movie Ground Hog Day, you can pull several excellent lessons from this 1993 classic.

The movie Ground Hog Day stars Bill Murray as Phil Connors, a TV weatherman and Andi MacDowell as Rita Hanson, news producer. Phil has for several years been assigned to this small town to report on the end of winter, Groundhog Day with Punxsutawney Phil.

Phil sees this small town as beneath him and sees himself as above all of this. The next day he wakes up at his hotel as if the day before has not happened. He is in a time loop, an endless repeat of the same day!

Does this sound familiar to you?

Does every day seem like the one before?

What are you doing to improve your life and that of your family during these dark days?

Are you moving items from your someday list to your do it now list?

At first Phil doesn't accept responsibility for anything, and lives like a college freshman who just received their first taste of freedom. He indulges in binge eating and drinking, reckless driving, one-night stands, and robbery. Each day has no consequences, as if he is in a time loop.

The Realization:

Phil has always had an attraction to his news producer, Rita. He tries and fails to court her and is depressed and desperate to end the loop. He also tries to kill himself and even kidnaps Punxsutawney Phil.

The most valuable take-away from this segment was that he decides to pursue something he wants, instead of talking about it... even if he fails.

What are some of the things on your someday list?

Have you begun learning that musical instrument or language you have always wanted to learn?

The Transformation:

Phil chooses to take responsibility for himself and his actions and decides to better himself and take action on the items that have long been on his someday list.

On Phil's list was to learn to play the piano. He takes lessons on the piano, practices, and realizes he possesses musical talent!

He also has always wanted to learn French, so he puts in the effort and does. He learns to sculpt ice, he decides to help others. He begins by asking them questions to find out what they dream about and want! Then he begins helping them get it!

In a restaurant a man is choking and Phil steps in to save him. He befriends a homeless man, takes care of him, and takes him to the hospital.

He asks questions about the people around him wanting to know about them to help them realize their dreams. He helps them to show he cares about others. He's become a better man because of this "Time Loop".

How are you helping others?

Phil really likes Rita and asks questions about her to find out about her dreams and wishes! Rita sees the changes in Phil too!

During this crisis what are you doing to better yourself?

What are some of the things on your someday list?

That someday is now.

Do you want to learn a musical instrument?

Do you want to learn a new language? What about writing a blog to honor someone who has helped you?

Isn't this a perfect time for you to shift gears during these dark days and do something special with this time you have been given?

What books are you reading? How is that new musical instrument coming along?

The time to start is now!

What are some of the things on your someday list?

What are one or two things you want to do right now to improve your life?

Start now!

What would happen if you viewed these times as your opportunity days?,-Will-You-See-Your-Shadow?&id=10299526

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