
How To Be Lucky, In My Reality (Opportunity Knocks)

Opportunity comes in work clothes and looks like lots of work, and ends up a genuine opportunity, right? Most of the time. When I thought of the premise of this article, I thought of all of the opportunities to grow and genuinely win that have come to me in life that sort of looked like set backs at first. In my life I have had much to be thankful for, and not lament about ultimately. Sure, I admit, that sometimes I do complain sometimes, indeed. The way I generally look at things though, the smarter I work, the harder I work, the luckier I genuinely am. It is in the order I just mentioned, too.

Smart work includes self-observation and honest and unbiased self-analysis. So, I do my best to look at the bitter as well as the sweet with objective and honestly realistic eyes, including letting myself feel the complaints and stuff, letting them go through me without getting attached to them.

For example, I told the story about my sister who passed on a few years ago without fear, attachment or genuine bitterness like I usually do to so many who ask about her to me. That is a prime example of what I am writing about. A person should not let bitterness or fear fester within you and become a "beast", it should be handled correctly and with class, honesty and realistic patience, understanding and tolerance.

The other day, I was reading an anecdote in "The Law Of Success" by Napoleon Hill about tolerance with the picture of intolerance in the form of two male deer with horns interlocking trying to impress a female deer, and ending up dying with horns locked while that female deer moved on. That is how life really is, if you do not have tolerance for reality, you really do have nothing but bitterness and the sweet, good things can never enter or grow to enter the heart of the person wanting to end the bitterness.

So, opportunity comes in work clothes and looks like work most of the time, and to grasp it, we need expert knowledge like the diamond miner who recognized the rough state of diamonds in the Russell Conwell essay "Acres of Diamonds" when he went to the Kimberley Farms where the diamond mine was and recognized the stone where the farmer there just thought it was just a "pretty rock".

So, reality works like this, you (and anyone) needs patience, understanding and tolerance to recognize "luckily" any genuine opportunities life has to offer or miss them. Myself, not being one to mince words of play games with them, I can only end with, I have patience with me, I understand me, and I have tolerance with myself and all of my "stuff". That is most fortunate of all for me in my reality.,-In-My-Reality-(Opportunity-Knocks)&id=10126428

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