
Boundaries: Necessary And Crucial

Boundaries are necessary for healthy relationships without them trespasses can abound. The boundaries in your life is built of non negotiables. Boundaries are defined as something that indicated bounds or limits; a limiting or bounding line. Necessary is defined required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential. Crucial is defined of great importance. Boundaries are indeed limits which are essential and needed of great importance as defined. I have learned to be more discerning and manage the spaces & set reasonable boundaries in my life.

There are boundaries in all relationships whether you believe it or not. Access is a gift. Whether people understand the boundaries you set is important but the most important is that the boundary is respected whether someone understand it or not. Boundaries help you to make clear that access to you does not mean they have liberties in your life. In this age of social media people can tend to think because they are connected to you on social media that they have up close access in your life which can create deception if you don't put the boundaries in place and operate in truth. My mother always taught me familiarity can breed contempt. Which is true because in that familiarity people take liberties they don't really have. I am in the process of healing my soul and the boundaries I set work to protect my soul and dealing with my emotional triggers.

Below are steps I take to enforce and reenforce my boundaries:

1) Speak the boundaries you set

2) Do not bend or go back on your set boundaries

3) If someone does not respect your boundaries take the necessary steps to remove them from having access to you

4) Setting boundaries does not make you a mean person. It shows you are protecting your spaces and governing your relationships in a healthy manner

5) Boundaries are not walls. They keep everyone in there proper spaces

The moment I started putting boundaries in place peace accompanied my decision. Your peace is priceless and boundaries keeps drama out of your space when properly enforced. There are some people who will be upset with the boundaries you set. It's okay because it's about guarding your heart as stated in

Proverbs 4:23 New King James Version

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Here are some quotes about setting proper Boundaries:

Boundaries represent awareness, knowing what the limits are and then respecting those limits ~ David W. Earle

Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary

~ Doreen Virtue

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