
Ancient Secrets of Immortality and Reincarnation

Immortality is best understood against the background of reincarnation. And while considering the dynamics of reincarnation, we should in turn view this against the background of 'the seven deadly sins' and their opposite qualities -- their collective impact on the human soul/physiology.

The seven deadly sins, and their opposites qualities -- here in brackets -- are: pride (humility), envy (kindness), gluttony (temperance), greed (charity), lust (chastity), sloth (diligence), and wrath/anger (patience).

'Sin' here means 'missing the mark' -- when our moral and emotional compasses are out of synch with divine standard: where each 'sin' has its own cyclically expressing nature through the physiology thereby premature aging and decaying of the organism before attaining immortality, leading to reincarnation.

But, of the seven deadly or capital vices - capital from the Latin 'caput' meaning 'head' as opposed to heart -- the most powerful component responsible for most reincarnations is undoubtedly the emotion of lust, the non-disciplined sexual desires of carnal mind activity.

The very word structure 're in'carn'ation' contains reference to carnal mind - 'carn' or 'flesh' and its lusting desire nature.

The word 'Reincarnation', from Latin, translates: 'entering into flesh again' or 'put soul into flesh again'. The Latin word 'caro' meaning 'carnal' translates 'flesh'. Thus, reincarnation is, '(re)peat (in) carnality', re-fleshing or, carnal soul re-entering and inhabiting flesh.

In the process of conquering dominating lust -- illicit or compulsive sexual activity -- the other six opposite character traits tend to emerge, integrate and resolve naturally through capacity of applied higher spiritual understanding.

Reincarnation resumes from exactly where the sin-karma or 'urge seed' desire originated, which, for us, is planet earth. Each reincarnation carries on from the standard of purified consciousness gained in our previous earth journey, until the cause-cycle is broken.

Reincarnation can be a conscious or unconscious choice. In other words, by deliberately clinging to perpetual ignorance-suffering -- consequent of the seven deadly sins -- we're unconsciously stating a desire of maintaining the status quo, stating 'desire' for more duality existence, more lesson learning, more aging and decaying back on earth. So long as unconscious 'desire' for unnatural happiness remains -- perpetuated by ignorance of our true eternal bliss nature -- reincarnation repeats indefinitely. Ultimately, liberation from cyclical rebirth is our own choice.

But, should we consciously choose - while in duality -- a higher 'afterlife' existence, then this is facilitated through the practice of daily meditation and transcendence, when the soul becomes freed from the perpetual cycle of rebirth, old-age, carnal existence and reincarnation.

Matthew 11-28-30 puts it: "Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest". This verse of course is referring to this very subject of duality, or 'heavy load' existence, and the need of developing a trance-like converged awareness. Such is how the soul transcends clinging cyclical carnality unto Non-Dual consciousness.

Ability in trance-like, single-minded awareness -- in the area of sex transmutation -- was the great secret applied by the ancients on their journey of achieving immortality, and carried on by many 'lights' of the modern era.

Committed Practice

Becoming established in ability of sex energy transmutation involves total surrender of the 'deadly sins' nature for the period of each meditation.

Establishing 'ability' takes committed daily practice. This is how carnal mind becomes acquainted with, and established in, bliss contentment, the opposite quality of sin: when capacity of 'urge-surge' transmutation ability becomes as automatic mental discipline. When, higher intuition - Holy Spirit -- presents positive avenues and channels for this creative energy to express beneficial to the physiology, our single means-vehicle of gaining immortality.

Being tangible experiences, inner silence and stillness cannot be faked. Thus, an unwilling or non-committed mind cannot become sufficiently still - anchored in pure silence - to experience transcendentally. Carnal mind is as if chasing away the very quality substance which the higher soul intuitively seeks, that is, mental freedom from compulsive 'sin' imagery patterns.

Remember, lower carnal mind does not desire peace and contentment. Its sole aim is destruction of all spiritual qualities by means of controlling the pleasure-seeking senses, making them as animalistic-like slaves to a dictatorship 'sin-based' carnal mind.

Thus the senses, being duty bound to serve the mind, will present mind with ANY nature of carnal, dehumanizing 'junk pleasure' scavenged from the soul-destroying menus of the 'synthetic corporate mind' -- which aim, it seems, is making every soul an addict or, other-dependent.

Bible puts it: "It's as hard for a rich man to enter heaven as for a Camel to enter through the eye of a needle" - Matthew: 23-24. "rich" here is referring to soul rust or contamination consequent of repeated sin-overlaying, where 'poor' (egoless) is the opposite standard.

In refusing to transcend 'rich man' status, carnal mind demonstrates its choice of remaining duality bound, captive of the lower-nature pleasure-driven senses. In fact, 'carnal' is never ready for sense-surrendering unto pure silence and stillness -- in meditation -- and the inevitable life changes as soul recalibrates, rebalances spiritually. This where executive decision comes in -- individual conscience.

But, remember, in essence, you are NOT the content of carnal mind. Such content represents opportunity for change: transformational gateways out of the stifling auto desire pattern of unending reincarnations into the unbounded realms of higher awareness. Carnality, thus, is means of gaining Moksha or soul liberation.

This brings us to the final dynamic, of how this state of liberation and immortality is achieved.

Samadhi and conquering Lust

The Latin word 'Re-ligion' translates 're-binding', while the eastern term, Yoga, translates unity of mind, body spirit. Similarly, the Sanskrit word, Samadhi, translates: Sam (together/integrate) a (toward) dhi (to get, to hold). Thus, Samadhi means, bringing together mind and body to know Transcendent Spirit. Including the Sanskrit, Nirvana, each pertain to the same inward process of transcending the cycle of reincarnation.

Samadhi consciousness -- gained through repeated transcendence in meditation -- thus becomes the soul's means of liberation from repeated incarnations. It does so by transforming or purifying the lusting animalistic consciousness into a unified field of bliss, or tantric consciousness -- a state of ecstasy beyond ordinary human consciousness.

Kundalini Life force

Located at the base of the spine in the coccyx area, kundalini, on awakening, rises upwards to the crown chakra at the top head,

Being transformative, kundalini, upon rising upwards, 'semenizes' the brain whereby growth in divine standard is initiated into consciousness - thus the term 'Initiate'.

'Semeninzing' is brought about in either of two ways. One, by transmuting seminal sex fluid by intense inner focussing - retention of semen' -- with two love-making people, or by single person in tantric awareness on the kundalini area in the coccyx while in deep meditation. This is called transmutation of sex energy, when no semen is spilled.

Kundalini is further responsible for activating the body's glandular system, which system is responsible for secretion of vital growth hormones into the physiology, thus ensuring optimal physical health minus premature decaying.

This inner activity marks commencement of the 'second birth': human consciousness rebirthing from animalistic nature into cosmic orientation leading to immortality consciousness.

The term Purity

Transmuting sex fluid is also the esoteric understanding behind the white loin cloth wrapped round Jesus' lower modesty section on the cross. White, being the symbolism of purity, chastity, celibacy, is here referring to sublimation of the semen into something nobler, more refined in substance.

The term purity thus is referring to containment of the precious life-creating semen, that it is not spilled or wasted by means of self-gratification pleasure. That the semen bypasses the genital urge/spill-over region thereby conservation of our eternal wealth, immortality.

Through this 'purity' perspective, the biblical term 'immaculate conception' becomes more authentic to mind, in that, we now discern that all creation is by some form of sexual activity, and that, such 'activity' does not always require two people. That, giving birth to our higher spiritual Self requires only you in focussed tantric awareness. Two-people-sex - if not for procreation -- simply represents another option to the same tantric outcome, that of mastering Samadhi. Weather single or couple, both approaches require culturing steadiness of focus, plus culturing the nervous system into withstanding pure bliss.

The Next Life and Immortality

Finally, this single act of becoming 'born again' spiritually reflects the innate 'release from hell into immortality' yearning of every soul.

Becoming 'born again' thus, is how we each create our next-life body, that of immortality consciousness, which transmutation process -- of soul gaining eternal Existence -- is carried out while on earth.

Once understood, that, carnality cannot abide in Pureness, the following scripture makes perfect sense: John: 7:34 Jesus said: "where I go (pure awareness), you (carnality) cannot come, but I (pure awareness) go (meditate) to prepare a place (state of Samadhi/immortality) for you (within consciousness)."

In other words, this 'prepared place' -- of immortality consciousness -- must be prepared/created now on earth, in meditation, by means of first awakening, then establishing the kundalini life-force in consciousness. And, for it then to be lived consciously through the physical nervous system -- of this existing body, --thereby making Samadhi permanent in consciousness. Thus, immortality.

This earth body provides the dynamic through which the innately present immortality seed is germinated into conscious awareness. And, yes, while Heaven or Immortality already exists within each soul as 'image and likeness of God', such Potential remains as dormant until come upon through sustained spiritual practices such as daily meditation or Yoga.

Immersing the consciousness in pure silence hails baptism: absorption of the soul into Reality, Samadhi or immortality status. Thereby release from the binding influence of 'sin' or duality existence, release from the bondage cycle of reincarnation: the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

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