
How Our Blindspots May Be Creating Diseases For Us

What are psychological blindspots? They are parts of us on the mental and emotional levels that we are not able to see or we are not aware. Simply because we are too close to the subject matter, and that's us.

So for example, we have a habit of saying some things, or we have a habit of doing some things and we are not aware of them because we do them so unconsciously. And we can only see them if someone else points them out to us. We need someone else, standing outside of us to tell us exactly what our blind spots are.

If you had a cake and the cream landed on your nose and you are not able to see it, there is no way you can see that yourself unless you are standing in front of a mirror. So people around you act as mirrors. They tell you what's on your face.

The thing is, we have no problem having people tell us what's on our faces because we don't want to appear silly with cream on our noses so we don't mind when people tell us this. BUT, we have a big issue when someone tells us about our mental or emotional blind spots. We get all worked up and are like: 'who are you to tell me this is how I am or this is how I behave' and so on.

On the route of personal development, we need to be a little bit more open to people telling us what our blind spots. Here's a suggestion:

You could have a friend you trust to do this thing with you. Create a buddy system where you meet each other once a week or once a month to do this exchange where you share with each other, what you think are their blind spots. Now the trick with this is not to take anything personally because by giving permission to someone to tell you your blindspots, they are doing you a favour so do not attack them in return! Talk about the blind spots in a very factual way without attacking and without blaming, simply addressing them by saying something like: 'you know when this happens you say that and I believe this is a blind spot so you decide if this is something that you want to be more aware of or if this is something you want to work on. The decision is yours, I'm not here to teach you, I'm not here to blame you I am just here to share'.

An example of a blind spot I want to share is my own experience. You know how you get into spiritual beliefs and spiritual teachings that tell us that everything we say has to be positive. So my thing at the time was that I had to say 'yes' because yes is a positive statement. So in my mind, I thought saying yes would be a good thing. However, I kept saying yes to the wrong thing! That was a teaching spiritual belief gone wrong. It taught me the wrong thing, it taught me to not say no to the right thing. What happened was, I kept saying yes to the wrong things and eventually I was burdened with too much to do, too much on my plate not knowing how to say no! What a blind spot!

What do these psychological blindspots do to our psychic bodies?

What are psychic bodies? Our psychic bodies are basically our energy body. Our energy body holds our emotions and our thoughts. When we have blindspots guess what happens? There is a very high chance, if we are not taking care of the blind spots, they become like stubborn stains.

You know the stains we have in our bathroom, or on our clothes, over a period of time the stain is going to change colour, and it is going to look worse and maybe bacteria or mould will build up around it? The same thing happens to the stains in our psychic bodies.

If we allow personal development and consciousness work to take a back seat and we lack awareness of our blind spots, over a period of time there is an accumulation of these mouldy energies. And the interesting thing is that, according to the law of attraction, if you have a build up of pride or anger in your psychic bodies what is going to happen is that it is going to attract even more anger, more energies of pride and over a period of time, you get a psychic tumour.

A psychic tumour is like a physical tumour, it becomes cancerous on the emotional and mental levels. These tumours get lodged within the chakras and the energy body. They also find their places within the energetic level of the liver, stomach, the reproductive system (this is one of the most popular places where tumours find their home). Psychic tumours also create holes in the aura, thereby allowing even more of these energies to enter into our system!

I am not being a fear monger here, but I am just bringing this to your attention because whether we are aware of them or not, they do exist. Sadness, anger, jealousy, they exist, you have experienced them, so where do they reside? Not your physical body, but definitely your emotional/psychic bodies.

You know to take a shower or bath when you are not clean physically, it is important to be able to do the same on the psychic level. Clear them through meditation. I like to offer you this free clearing meditation, it is available on my Fb group (under the announcement tab):

Most of my clients are using them because it helps to keep their energy bodies clear. You do not have to be religious or spiritual in any way to use the meditation even though there will be names that will be mentioned in the meditation that may sound kind of spiritual. If you don't mind that and you just want something to help you like in a visualisation exercise to help you cleanse your psychic bodies, do download it for your personal usage.

Til next time, have a blessed day!

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