
Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel: Three Key Steps to Living a Happy Life

We all go through many dark tunnels during our life - some of them seem longer, others shorter. And even if there is always light at the end of a tunnel, we often get sucked back into darkness as soon after we have seen the light. This experience often causes frustration, depression and pessimism, and it drains our physical and mental powers. On the face of it, we naturally ask ourselved: When are we finally going to be able to enjoy life? When are we going to see the light at the end of the tunnel and keep it as a permanent experience? When are we going to be happy?

The answer to all those questions is a simple one, yet not necessarily a comforting one: We just don't know! But more importantly, we shouldn't care. In fact, we should not necessarily be so desparate to reach that light at the end of the tunnel, either.

Why? As we have already heard over and over again, it should be all about the journey, not about the destination. For our final destination is, of course, Death. Death itself can be seen as light but note that once you reach that light, there is no one there to enjoy it. So instead of looking desperately for the light at the end of the tunnel, we might as well enjoy the process of going through the tunnel itself. In other words, instead of waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, we need to put light IN the actual tunnel.

Importantly, even though dark tunnels are always going to be part of our journey, it is absolutely in our power to illuminate them and make the journey an enlightening one. Here are some of the best practices that can help us do that:

  1. Be present. Stay committed to yourself and your life the way it unfolds. Acceptance is a key transformative power. You can't be where you want to be. You can only be where you are. Face it, accept it, and embrace it.
  2. Be grateful. Find joy in small things and ordinary everyday activities. Open yourself up to the beauty around you.
  3. Be of service. Shift your focus away from your sorry self, your drama and problems. Help solve someone else's problems. This will elevate your thinking and illuminate your existence with meaning and purpose. Your tunnel will automatically light up.

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