
Cleaning And Thinking (The Best Action Article You Will Ever Read) (By Joshua Clayton)

When things get stagnant, there is a reorganization needed. With that said, I begin this article. When your thinking, acting and doing reach an impasse, something needs to happen. That something is growth. Are you surprised or shocked at my basic answer? Sometimes growth is the most painful action we can take, conscious or unconscious, but it is needed, always needed if we want to better ourselves or get to a better place. I mean, face it, when we "make it" and are "too content", that is when growth really needs and wants to happen (in that order).

Sure, the above paragraph was rather bluntly real from beginning to end. Sometimes, though, a "big time kick in the pants is needed" for us all to get going and take necessary actions, metaphysical or physical.

Growth! Sure, sometimes "out with the old and in with the new" has love or hate connotations with us in life, but rest assured, in reality growth and change are laws in life, not options right down to multi millennial old growing redwood trees burning down and new forests growing in their place or stagnant societies getting replaced with something that needs (and sometimes wants) to happen.

Lethargy, stagnation, spoiled realities, "comfortable apathy" and sickening decadence, those only happen when growth is genuinely stopped. After all, when you stop thinking and let "others take over", what do you think or ponder that I am talking about. "Once retirement happens, death of some sort is around the corner" is said by so many people who understand while those who do not understand genuinely say those horrible words, "I want to retire and go on to something easier."

So, I end with an example of this of my own: When I was in Junior High School/Middle School in the seventh and eighth grades, I took a basic math class, because I had already taken Statistics, Advanced Calculus, Calculus, Algebra II, Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Fractions (in reverse order from beginning to end, Advanced Fractions all the way up to Advanced Statistical Analysis Math) in the fifth grade and passed with flying colors and "A plus" grades at the private school I was going to before I went to middle school. Near the end of the year, I realized the meaning of "I want to retire from a challenge and go on to something easier" in the worst way. Nothing is worse than a mind that is not growing and does not work to grow productively, nothing is worse than, in a word: Stagnation. Worse than that word is these two words: Decadent stagnation. When things get stagnant, there is a reorganization needed, and decadent comfort and sickening stability or lethargy do not help. Are you ready to go down or grow up now?

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