
Making The Most of Your Life

Many people struggle with life. They wonder why they are here on this planet. They believe that there is a reason. There has to be a purpose. After all, they are here. Are they just here to exist? Are they here to take up space? Or is there a true, undeniable, unmistakable reason and purpose behind their existence?

From the beginning, before there was anything, the Creator of the Universe knew you were coming. You are not an accident, regardless of the circumstances of how you arrived on the earth. He knew - in His foreknowledge - that you were coming, and in His infinite wisdom created the perfect plan and purpose for your life.

You are an original masterpiece of the Creator. You are not a side thought, regardless of what anyone may have told you. God knew you were coming. His plan for your life is brilliant. It fits you. It suits you. In this divine purpose is all that you need and desire to satisfy and fulfill you. As a matter of fact, you will never feel whole within without it.

You can try all sorts of things trying to find some sense of destiny and fulfillment, but unless you tap into the mind of the Creator and ask Him to reveal His purpose for your life to you, you may just continue to wonder aimlessly through life, probably wishing you were never born. Because many people do not know their purpose they do all sorts of things. Some commit suicide. Others drug their senses hoping that the feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and shear boredom would disappear. However, after coming from a temporary high, the feelings remain. Without purpose life just seems wasted.

We do not have to live this way. We can discover our true purpose and reason for being simply be applying a few principles which are intended to make life better for us. These principles are as old as time itself, and all we have to do is apply ourselves consistently, with focus and determination. Here are five of them. There are more so there will be a part two of this article:

1. Realize and accept that you are not an accident. The world is not better off if you were to just end your life. That is a lie! You are special and important. You are in the Creator's Mind and Eye. He loves you and has a plan and purpose that will thrill you once you embrace it with all of your heart.

2. Seeing that the Creator has a plan and purpose for your life, ask Him to reveal it to you. The Creator, God, is a Person. You can communicate with Him. Be sincere when you speak with Him. Ask Him to show you in His own unique way how to tap into your purpose and His divine destiny for your life. He has promised to answer all who seek Him with their whole hearts.

3. Do not live in fear. Fear robs you of initiative and can steal your vision if you let it. Just because your purpose is not revealed immediately, rest confidently that if you asked the Creator to reveal it, He will do so and at the right time, This is a matter of trust. You will have to learn to trust that He knows what He is doing. You asked. He will respond and you will have a deep knowing on the inside that is unmistakable exactly what you were born to do.

4. You can take a hint concerning what it may involve by the gifting on the inside of you. Your gift (that inborn talent to do good) is from God. Learn to discern it, develop it and use it as best you can. The way will be made clearer over time. All of us have at least one gift. Discover yours!

5. Read a chapter from the book of Proverbs in the Bible every day! Listen, Proverbs is written to teach us how to make good, proper, right and wise choices in life everyday. So reading a chapter a day and applying what you learn will only improve your life. Read to understand. Apply yourself. Things will open up to you. Life will become better understood, and you will discover what it takes to win. Make it a permanent part of your day. Your best days, months and years are ahead of you. So don't quit on life. God is for you, not against you. You can make it. So keep on keeping on!

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