
10 Ways to Make Yourself Feel Better

1. One way to recognize your feelings is to first understand where they are coming from. We go through things every day. They are challenges, obstacles and daily issues. Only you will know what you are thinking when I ask the question - Where are your feelings coming from? This isn't rhetorical. When you can answer this question, you must begin observing it from an outside point of view. Look at the feeling. Allow yourself to feel the feeling. Now question the feeling. Think of the most loving way to overcome the bad feeling and turn it into a positive one.

2. Anger has been an issue I have had to overcome in the past. This is something that I think a lot of people struggle with. Sometimes you will say something that you really wouldn't have said when you were of calm mind. One trick that I have learned over the years is to take a few breaths before replying when I feel that boiling sense coming over my body. Yes, you see, first you recognize the feeling. Then you react. This is the best way that I have found thus far. Take some breaths and count backwards from 5 and then react. Speak your mind but use calming tones. The calmer you are the calmer you can make the situation whatever that may be.

3. Depression is another struggle that I had in the past. I was on high doses of medication for it. Using my mind alone I was able to overcome and have no need for medication anymore. This could mean that it was just a part of my mind, but the doctors thought it was chemical related, hence the medication. Now that I have not been on any medication for years I can look back and see things from hind sight. It amazes me it took me so long to realize how to bring happy feelings into my life and concentrate on the positive. Part of it is exercise that helps. The other part was literally forcing myself to see the positive in everything. After a while it just became a habit.

4. Developing new habits to make you feel better is another part of life that works well. As we grow we develop habits. Sometimes those are good and sometimes they are bad, obviously. When developing new habits, you are replacing old habits. Instead of grabbing that steak you grab a salad. Soon it becomes natural. Every part of our life is built from our daily habits. Don't like something? Change it by implementing new habits into your life.

5. Nature is a most wonderful tool for making you feel better. Even bad weather can be beautiful if looked at from the right perspective. We have this opportunity to live in a beautiful world. It offers so much in the form of sight and the other senses. Go take a hike. Walk in nature for a few miles or hours. When you come back to your "real" life you will have a new perspective on everything around you.

6. Fire pits are also another way to make yourself feel better. Stare into the flames. Imagine placing all your negative and bad feelings into the flame so that you are not passing those bad feelings to others. We recognize as we grow that when we have feelings toward something or someone that are negative those people feel it even if sometimes you both don't realize it. There are an insane number of things we do not yet understand about the energy we output but be sure that it is there.

7. Deciding that you are going into all situations with a positive and optimistic attitude. This tool alone has made my life a beautiful place to live. For my "job," I should say something I just enjoy doing for the everyday, I meet a lot of different people. One of the things about being a writer is that I love to observe and watch people. When people are positive and upbeat you can tell they are having a great time of this thing we call life. They just portray a great feeling and in response other people treat them well.

8. Find something artistic to work on. Think on something you love to do, or you would love to do. Begin doing this action every day. Writing has a calming effect on my heart and soul. I also like to exercise, play instruments of my choice, draw with my daughter and come up with new ideas. Think hard about what you love to do and follow those feelings. Our passions and art help not only us but all those around us because we have gone into our minds and drawn out our true thoughts. We are creators at heart because we are great spiritual beings having this human experience.

9. Listening to different kinds of music. This is one of those tricks I learned some time ago. You can use music to completely change your attitude. When we are watching shows or movies it is the music and soundtracks that make them what they are. Go to YouTube and watch some of the videos where they took those soundtracks away and watch what happens to your feelings. Now go through various types of music but be aware of exactly what you are feeling when you are listening to those types of music. When you begin heading in a negative direction throw in some music that brings you back to the positive.

10. Meditation is my final piece of advice for making yourself feel better. At first it might make you feel worse but if you begin to do it daily your mind begins to clear. You can begin thinking and releasing those pent-up feelings. Our brains are capable of amazing things let alone the quantum side of our beings. We are getting closer to realizing the energies that make up the human being and those energies can be used to make you feel extraordinary in this great time of humanity. Begin exploring your inner being to find the light that will make your life whole. We all have a purpose and we all are awesome beings. Use that to your advantage to make yourself feel better.

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