
A Key To Success Is Your Passion And Purpose In Life - Your True Free Will Lived

Do you have goals and objectives, and I also mean do you have a strong focus in life, or are you consumed by lacking thoughts?

Have you invested a great deal of effort, cash, and time to achieve financial freedom and yet feel you haven't made it?

For all your effort do you still feel that there is something missing in your life? I mean it is certainly crucial to set objectives in your life.

When faced with a number of options, it provides you a focus a way forward a mechanism for making choices. It can also be a jail cell.

How can having clear-cut objectives goals while having fun and focus be a prison cell, is what I'm asking you to consider?

The Course in Miracles shows us that it becomes a prison cell when you produce goals based upon your regretful past experiences, perhaps where you recall failures too hard to handle.

Simply put, then you set the future on the past.

When all the time you are stuck within the border of your previous regrets and fear of the future, it creates the illusion that you are moving forward in life.

It's like driving your life vehicle on the path to success by searching in the rear view mirror all the time.

You have a fantastic vision of exactly what took place in the past, however haven't a hint about what is coming in front of you.

The point is: whatever took place in the past is not a true indication of your full potential.

As the late Wayne Dyer mentioned, "To pull your own strings and grow, you need to be both ready and willing to let your future and present be opposite your past. Your regret of the past is not your destiny."

If you continue to do exactly what you have constantly done then you can only anticipate getting the life of what you've constantly gotten, simply put.

The unfavorable in your mind or on exactly what is missing out on in your life you have no option but to focus and produce limited goals if you continuously focus on the past.

You are back in that prison cell once again and you need to break the cycle, so how do you do it?

You change your thinking, which means a chance to create the life you want is the meaning of success and to learn to develop and then pave the road ahead.

An opportunity to create a focus and objectives that you desire to attain, means answering to, where are you now, and where you want to go, and the being committed to taking action.

- Where are you in life?

- Explain your present scenario.

- What are your top priorities in life?

- Do you like where your life is going?

- Where do you wish to go?

Exactly what is the true meaning of success to you can be answered to the question of, 'when you are on your death-bed recalling your life' exactly what would you want to think your life was about?

Check out these concerns deeply and often until you feel you actually understand where you are now and where you wish to go.

How you arrive will end up being obvious as you advance, and without rushing, because time is on your side no matter what age you are.

Keep focused within, on your true inner essence, and think of you as opening a savings account or investment portfolio of the self, so to speak.

The more time you put in, the more credit and appreciation of your equities and bonds appear on the account and therefore in time the more is offered for withdrawal.

Now the crucial question:

Previously I discussed the many law of manifestation tools available today in the form of free e-books and so much more on the web that can be quite helpful for living your true free will.

So, exactly what holds you back?

What stops you from choosing exactly what you wish to accomplish in your life?

It is not enough simply to create a focus and a plan, and you must comprehend where you are now and where you want to go.

To change something you have to DO SOMETHING NOW!

Put your focus into action, because it's your focus and you have thought it, designed it and built it, now have the desire, enthusiasm and objective to execute it.

Since, at the minute, you have no evidence of what is going to happen, and the only evidence you have is in the past.

To regret the past and fear the future is only keeping you confined to your own self-made prison cell.

There is something miracle-minded about this process called life.

If you look back over your life you will discover, like many others have, that most of the time you set out to do something you didn't have the ability prior, but you started anyhow.

All you must muster up is self-discipline, enthusiasm and guts, and being aligned to your true free will while in this world.

To give yourself a better than typical opportunity for attaining the meaning of success, each night before you go to sleep use these words I've borrowed from the Course in Miracles in prayer or meditation:

If I lose or forget my goal in life let me remember what my purpose is.

Have the nerve to drive towards your goals and objectives, the passion and purpose with strong enthusiasm to keep going and the discipline to create a new practice even when it is difficult.

Keep focused and keep moving forward in life.

On a regular basis ask yourself, what did I do today to bring me closer to achieving my goals and objectives and my focus in life?

Begin right now in this instant to walk free of that self-made jail cell, because the door swings easily open.

(I suggest searching the web for further material on how to empower oneself with the power of manifestation material available today.)

To happiness and success!

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