
A Fitness Regimen Helps in Recovery From Substance Abuse

The fact that fitness is an all-important part of one's life is beyond any debate. Everybody knows the importance of following a fitness regimen to remain healthy. Now, a recent recovery program at the University of Kentucky has claimed that fitness during recovery from addiction helps patients recuperate quicker and gain sobriety faster.

The University of Kentucky's Adolescent Health and Recovery Treatment and Training clinic says that goal setting during fitness programs go a long way in helping patients of addiction recover smoothly.

Goal setting can form an integral part of recovery

Experts believe that setting goals form an integral part of a treatment plan for adolescents who are into substance abuse. Many psychiatry clinics for adolescent substance abuse accord credence to setting goals by participants.

Every week, when patients in these clinics set goals and when they manage to accomplish them, they are rewarded as a recognition of their achievements. This, in turn, propels their confidence level to a new high. Another important attribute and tool in such treatment programs is peer support. Some peer support specialists even live their experience so that they relate in a better way with the participants.

In such programs, fitness regimen is part of the goal setting, when participants set fitness goals and strive to achieve them. Depending on an individual's physical capabilities, fitness programs or goals are set which the participants try to accomplish as part of their recovery program. It leaves them exulted when they manage to accomplish the desired goals. Gyms and fitness centers are assigned to these recovering adolescents who also get a workout buddy in the form of a peer support specialist.

How it works

Groups of participants from these clinics along with clinicians and a peer specialist visit the local gyms for workout and conversation. Since the setting is outside the rehab clinic, it provides a relaxed atmosphere and there is greater camaraderie between clinicians and participants. The participants find it easy in opening up in gyms and this helps in the treatment. Here, the adolescents also feel comfortable in sharing their thoughts and the relaxed environment sets the tone for a casual conversation which is necessary for recovery. Adolescents can always find time to chat in between the runs on the treadmill.

Participants themselves look forward to such initiatives during recovery programs as they feel more energetic and excited about starting anew. They admit to feeling better about themselves after participating in such programs. These feelings are in sharp contrast to what they used to feel during active addiction. After attending such fitness programs, the participants also feel good about themselves which in turn encourages them to continue with the treatment and to stay miles away from addiction. Staying fit prevents adolescents from going back to addiction besides bringing in a host of other health benefits. Thus, these fitness programs can be the harbinger of a bright new life for patients of addiction.

Recovery from substance abuse

Substance abuse is a debilitating disease which can cripple even the strongest of people. Chronic addiction has snuffed out millions of lives globally. However, it can be cured with proper and timely intervention and one can regain a healthy life to start all over again. A healthy lifestyle can help in feeling rejuvenated, which can steer the patient away from the thoughts of addiction.

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