
What Is It You Are Passionate About? (By Joan Silva)

What are the deal breakers in your life? The non-negotiable must haves or you're outta there?

Are you clear on what they are for you? Crystal clear?

I know I wasn't until a major health crisis hit me straight upside the head.

It woke me up, shook me to my core and said, "Hello Joan, what the heck are you doing?"

I noticed how many areas in my life I tolerated, gave over, or made do.

What made me go along, I wondered, with something that was so at odds with my own true values?

Could it be I wasn't clear on my own, so I did whatever presented itself? Was I going along just to get along - to not rock the boat?

But then, my health and my body gave me the biggest wake up call of my life. No longer could I ignore that which was highly important, in fact imperative, to me.

I knew life would suck, to put it bluntly, if I didn't keep them ever present.

So, I sat down with pen in hand and wrote down what really mattered to me. I got crystal clear.

I asked myself, "What is it I am passionate about and simply cannot live without?"

Do you know what it is that's so important to you that nothing else can take its place?

Without it present in your life, you simply are not fulfilled.

Or, you're constantly out of sorts.

What is that for you?

Honestly, I wasn't totally clear on it for myself either. That is until I dug deeper.

And, what I realized was surprising - that most of the time I was operating from a long held belief, expectation, or tradition that no longer served me. Shockingly enough, maybe it never did.

I ran most of my adult life based on what was expected of me as a woman, daughter, wife, and mother.

Or, what the "norm" was for my era, age, and time period in my life.

Like buy a house, way too young, when freedom from obligations and debt would have been far easier and more fun. All the years since then, slaving away for long hours, to pay the mortgage, along with everything else I felt compelled to have, buy, or own.

The reality hit me that I was making someone else's dreams come true, not mine - or certainly helping their bottom line. I noticed that as their bottom line improved, mine didn't.

What was it that had me strive so hard to have those things? To work so hard for a lifestyle that never felt complete.

And, damaged my health, stole my joy, and left me unfulfilled.

That was the question I had to answer - for me, and for no one else.

Because, what I ended up with was a houseful of stuff, most of which I didn't use, need, or want. A busy, over full calendar with little room to breathe or add what truly mattered. Too many obligations which were promises to others to do what they needed, not what was best for me.

And, a scary health diagnosis which got my attention more than any other warning sign.

It was time to get clear on what truly mattered to me? What was it that I was passionate about...

... that up until now, wasn't being fulfilled.

What were my true values and beliefs? Those values and beliefs that were foundational and a deal breaker if I didn't have them.

That's where it all begins - getting crystal clear on those.

"One of the keys to making health and authentic living simple and sustainable is to get crystal clear on your values - the baseline needs that drive who you are as a person. Ideally, our values inform and direct our actions which determine our habits and priorities - how we allocate our time and resources" (Rebecca Shern, Minimal Wellness)

There are four value areas in which to get clear, as suggested and described by Rebecca. Those four areas are:

Foundational Values - Your ideal life. Non-negotiable. A deal-breaker if you don't have them, and critical to your identity.

Core Values - Important. Met in a variety of ways, and can change over time.

Tertiary Values - These add value, but carry less weight or importance than foundational or core values.

Imaginary Values which are actually obstacles. Things you use to pacify yourself, which don't serve you and quite often harm you.

Like Cheetos. They pacified me. Filled an emptiness or addiction within. YET were truly harmful to me. Ultimately, they were a block to one of my foundational values of optimal health and self care.

The day that I sat down and got clear on my values - all four types - was a pivotal moment for me. It gave me a clear road-map to follow going forward.

No longer could I deny what was foundational to me. And, now whatever I do, say, or buy, is more in alignment with those values than any other time in my life.

What about for you? Is it time you put pen to paper and got crystal clear on your values? Those that serve you and those imaginary ones that don't!

Unclear on your values and beliefs? No need to fret. There is an easier way -- a pain-free way.

Let's put pen to paper together... and get clear on what they are!

Don't continue to make decisions, especially life altering ones, until you do!

Let's talk

Because, by the way... I didn't do it alone. You don't need to do it alone, either!

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