
Multi-Dimensional If You Please

Many people are unaware of the new energy field Planet Earth is moving into. It is commonly referred to as 4D or the 4th Dimension. It is accepted among scholars that our planet has moved from the first and original dimension to the second and finally into the third dimension we have existed in for slightly more than 36,000 years. That is a long, long time to develop habits, ideas and foundations for civilization to progress through. Every reader was born into and existed in the 3rd dimensional energy field. What does this change mean and why is it important to us, the planets inhabitants?

In some fashion we are all aware of the passage of time, some acutely so. Rarely do we allow our thoughts to drift into or try to imagine another dimension. It is almost impossible to imagine something we have never seen and are barely aware of. Yet time passed, lots of time and it happened. We arrived here in a dimension that was far progressed beyond the first or the second one. We are aware of advances perhaps back to 2000 or 3000 years. But 36,000 years; it's hard to go there for anyone! This current time we believe is filled with technological advances will one day be referred to in the annals of history as barbaric and simplistic.

Imagine an approaching hurricane with wide bands surrounding it that contain some of what the actual storm will bring. We refer to these as the outer bands. That is exactly where we are in approaching the new dimension. We have begun to feel the change even if we do not understand what it will bring. A planet approaching a new dimension is a graduation of sorts and something to celebrate. Just like a graduation, there will be enormous opportunities combined with the challenges of change. The complete entry into this new energy is more than 80 years away. Every new decade of babies born into the newer energy field will be more aware of what will be than what was. They are born with enhanced genetics that equip them for this new experience. That 90% of our brain that we always said was dormant is actually multi-dimensional proving this was always a part of the plan for humanity.

Should we ignore this or try to understand it and benefit from what is already available? The choice is yours, as always. What is changing? One vitally important thing that is beginning to be available to us is understanding intent. That is a small word with a huge impact. In the new energy we will see and have a sense of real knowing about the intent of every person we encounter. Imagine how this can change our lives. You will always know if the person next to you or approaching you has a benevolent intent or has practiced charm to deceive you or harbors the intent to harm you! You will be able to know what their real intentions are and then make a far better choice about how it can impact your life. The final choice will still be yours but deceit will be far more difficult to engage in. We will exist in a time far more engaged in truth in our future. But how can you take advantage of it now?

We must consciously begin to read the energy of other people. But how can we do this? Practice taking even a slight moment for your mind to be still and listen. You have to engage your gut to learn this. Allow the signals from your 'gut instinct' to be relayed into your consciousness. Try this with every new person, place or situation you encounter. Be aware of what is before you and then instinctively direct your attention to what your gut interprets from the signals you are receiving. It is the place where real truth is discerned. In this newer energy these signals are felt much more powerfully because there is less interference in the transmission of them. Tune in and don't ignore the information you receive. It can alter the course of your life and help you avoid costly and painful mistakes.

This is just one of the many new opportunities opening to us in the new energy as we adjust and learn to become multi-dimensional, as we were created to be!

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