
How "Taking Life Personally" Causes Pain & Error

Life is a holistic, universal thing that's all positive and all harmonious. Whenever it seems not to be, it's not the fault of life, it's the fault of your state of mind or perspective.

When your perspective is personal - one-sided instead of all-sided, you're then out of tune or sync with the flow of life. As a consequence, everything in life will tend to be a little more difficult, error-filled and stressful for you, and will remain so for as long as you hold onto this perspective.

All negative feelings come from the personality - which is not really real, rather than from your higher, aware self, which is really real. The negative feeling is real in the sense that we really do feel the pain, but not real in that the pain is not caused or based on something real. It's like seeing a tree branch and thinking it's a snake and having a heart attack over it.


If you step on a nail, the pain is real and the cause of the pain - the nail, is real. So you either have to get rid of the nail or get rid of the foot. So you wisely choose to get rid of the nail. You do this by just separating the nail from your foot. If the cause or your pain is the unreal personality - which it is, then the solution is to separate your awareness - your real self, from the personality, the personality's pain. The ego's pain.

In other words, negativity of any nature is all in the mind, so the solution is to get a little distance from that thinking, feeling mind. Detached awareness, then, is the healing factor. The clarity or reality factor.

Anger, resentment, impatience, loneliness, boredom, sadness, etc., are of the personality or ego - which is not who we really, really are. Who we really, really are is the pure awareness above those egotistical, personal feelings. The pure awareness is above what we're thinking, feeling and doing in every present moment.

The real "I" is happy, joyous and free! "Happiness" can be real or personal. If it's an emotion, it's personal; if it's from your pure awareness, it's real or spiritual. We say awareness is "spiritual" because it's above the senses. Above the personal faculties of thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing, etc. Pure awareness is and reveals true happiness because true happiness is our real, essential nature. Who and how we really, really are.


You control or reverse any negative thought or feeling by detaching from it. Getting some distance from it. Some objectivity. Some stepping back. Some pausing. It's separating the nail from the foot. You're pulling your awareness of the thing back from being entangled in it. You're not repressing the emotion; you're getting above it. Being "above it all" is the secret to being healthy, happy, intelligent and free. Being "caught up in it all" is the secret of pain, limitation and error. Detached awareness, in and of itself, is the healing factor. The universal antidote to all negativity. It's amazing!

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