
Empowered Compassion Offers You a Path Straight to Time Success


Genuine self-empowerment requires both realism and compassion. Only then can you develop the resilience to flex without giving yourself away. And as compassion becomes a way of life, you thrive by relating as a human, not a superhuman.

Any place you start exploring and experimenting with Empowered Compassion™ is fine. Just remember, any growthful change works best when you start small and work up.

These 7 tips will help you take your first steps.

TIP #1:

Empowered Compassion™ draws its strength from your embracing the responsibility to be all you can be.

When you truly care about yourself, you naturally want to assume full responsibility for your life. As you grow your autonomy, you provide for your own needs. Not only that, but you make use of the choices that don't work out, learning useful lessons from ALL of your experiences.

TIP #2:

Empowered Compassion™ is grounded in the present moment.

You focus on how you can stand in your power right now. You don't immobilize yourself with fears of the future. You don't torture yourself with past regrets. Instead, you fully exercise your power in the one moment that exists - this one!

TIP #3:

Empowered Compassion™ helps you put unresolved anger in perspective.

The more you develop your own power, the less energy you spend recycling old grievances. Self-reference consolidates your power in your own choices. Focusing on how you can help yourself in the present becomes the top priority. Not only that, but as you embrace your own humanity, you accept others' fallibility more readily, too.

TIP #4:

Empowered Compassion™ overcomes self-criticism.

Living from this place, you create a climate where there is no room for self-criticism. Self-criticism feeds on unrealistic standards and a fundamental lack of self-respect. Empowered Compassion™ is pragmatic, realistic and kind. The more you value autonomy, the more you naturally support your strength and success.

TIP #5:

Empowered Compassion™ promotes authenticity.

You are befriending who you really are. By relating with honesty and directness, you stand on firm ground and are able to give your all. This is a very powerful way to live! Each time you step out and risk more fully, you invalidate past messages that say you need to hide behind a mask. You effectively replace those distortions with powerful, concrete confirmations of the fact that you belong in the world.

TIP #6:

Empowered Compassion™ is easy to distinguish from self-pity.

Self-pity blames and defends. It protects whatever you did that didn't work. On the other hand, when you relate from a place of Empowered Compassion™, you don't waste time scrambling for excuses. Your interest is in figuring out what works, and you give yourself every opportunity to enjoy success as you move forward.

TIP #7:

Empowered Compassion™ is a step-by-step process.

Rather than view this as a lofty goal, think of it simply as a way of befriending yourself right now. Every small step you take to support yourself helps! A little bit at a time, you will grow in thoughtfulness and realism, and outworn patterns will gradually lose their hold over you.

Right here, right now is just the place to be!

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