
5-D Time Is Not Linear. It's a Spiral. It's About the Now Moment, and Divine Right Timing

Were you taught to make lists of things that you have to get done?

Do you enjoy checked them off?

Do you sometimes add things you've finished to the list just for the joy of crossing them off as done?

Were you taught to feel pressured to meet deadlines?

Do you become more productive as the deadline nears?

Were you taught that time is limited and you can "run out" of time?

Do you have anxiety issues around be late?

These lessons were all about living in 3-D limitation. In that reality, the onset of technology changed our relationship with time.

Before the Industrial Revolution, time was about seasons (summer, fall, winter, spring) and about the movement of the zodiac.

Before the Industrial Revolution, humanity lived in harmony with nature. We followed the subtle messages of when to do what was needed, such as plant and harvest crops, sleep and wake up, eat meals, and so on.

While sun dials existed, the length of daylight hours changed every day, expanding in summer and shrinking in winter. Time was malleable and different each day in harmony with nature.

After the Industrial Revolution, our experience of time changed because machines don't need to sleep and production on a factory assembly line has to be precisely coordinated.

After the Industrial Revolution, we became chained to clocks and watches and schedules and the needs of machines. We forgot how it was to live in the NOW moment, close to nature, because we allowed technology to dominate our lives.

The focus was all about getting up with an alarm clock, starting our day "on time," moving through the day "on time," getting places "on time," completing tasks "on time." We set up "time zones" around the planet. Then we started playing games with time, such as moving the clocks forwards or backwards an hour twice a year - just to keep us off balance.

All of this is entirely artificial, not natural.

The shift into the Fifth Dimension is about letting go of linear time.

Linear time is the idea that there is a past, a present moment, and a future, all on a straight line, and that our lives move from the past, into the present moment, and then into the future.

Linear time is about a straight line going in only one direction.

Linear time is an illusion.

You can only live in the NOW moment.

Only the NOW moment exists.

Each and every moment is a NOW moment.

The Past is gone.

The Past no longer exists because it's outside the NOW Moment.

The Future doesn't exist until it becomes the NOW moment.

You can imagine visiting the past, like watching a movie on a DVD and doing a "rewind" to view an earlier scene, or watching the same movie many times.

The past is a concept, not a place, and doesn't exist any more. You can't go there in 3-D. You can only remember it, and while that might seem like you traveled into the past, you didn't.

You can imagine and create all kinds of futures, too. Some of what you imagine seems to arrive more quickly and more easily because of your expectations, but in truth, you create in each NOW moment what you choose to experience in the next NOW moment.

For most of our 3-D experience, time moved very slowly. This was because everything vibrated at a much slower rate.

That's why some things you intended to manifest didn't show up for lifetimes. Others took years and years to appear. As we moved into the last 25 years of the 20th Century, the acceleration began.

Since 2000, even the acceleration has accelerated. And 2020 is continuing to gain speed, faster and faster!

In 2020, everything is accelerating because everything vibrates faster and faster and faster. This makes the "future" seem to appear more rapidly.

This is why you'd do well to monitor your thoughts and choose carefully what you want to experience. At some point, whatever you think will immediately appear, before you have a chance to say, "Wait - that's not what I really want."

At some point, whatever you think

will appear immediately,

before you even have a chance to say,

"Wait... that's NOT what I really want."

Whatever you focus on and energize is what you are creating in each NOW moment.

In this NOW moment, some things take longer to create than others because they require that certain other things or situations or energies be in place first. Often you don't understand this, so you become impatient when something you intend to create doesn't show up right away.

In this NOW moment, some things take longer to create because you keep changing your mind about what you want. When you do that, everyone assisting you in the higher realms has to stop what they're doing and make changes that will bring about your chosen experience.

Your Soul, I Am Presence, Angels, and Spirit Guides have a greater awareness of what energies and patterns have to be put into place before what you choose to manifest will appear in your life. They work behind the scenes, so to speak, to bring all the energies and patterns together to fulfill your requests.

It can be helpful to send them love and support and appreciation for all the work they do for you.

In addition, you may be choosing something that you may not be quite ready for, even if you believe you're ready for it. Subtle changes may be necessary for you to fully experience what you are choosing.

This is where the concept of "Divine Right Timing" comes into play.

When your chosen manifestation doesn't show up immediately, it can be helpful to acknowledge and request that it will appear... in Divine Right Timing.

Divine Right Timing means that it will appear at the most auspicious, perfect moment for your personal benefit.

You may not know when that is, but your I Am Presence knows because that aspect of you is multidimensional.

When you live in many dimension, each with it's own frequency patterns and speeds, you have more awareness and knowledge of the process of manifestation at it's subtlest levels.

Divine Right Timing is about trust, about giving up control of what you seek to create so the forces of Divine Consciousness can take over and complete the manifestation process.

TIME IS A SPIRAL and so is everything else. This video illustrates how are solar system moves in the spiral through our galaxy:

So remember... time is a spiral. Everything moves in a spiral. And the only moment you can access is the NOW moment.

This awareness will make your transition into 5-D Living easier.,-and-Divine-Right-Timing&id=10250141

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